Jps2sm 1.16 | Coderz Product

jps2sm 1.16

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jps2sm 1.16


A project to migrate torrents from JPopSuki to SugoiMusic
jps2sm will automatically gather and validate data from JPS and transfer it to SM. jps2sm does not download any data using torrents themselves and is not a torrent client.

Create upload on SM by automatically retrieving all data on JPS, including english and original titles, group description, release information (format / media / bitrate etc.), group images, contributing artists, original titles, mediainfo data and remaster information if applicable.
Upload by specifiyng a JPS group or release --url
Upload all your (or someone elses) personally uploaded / seeding / snatched torrents with --batchupload / --batchseeding / --batchsnatched
Contribute to SM by uploading ALL non-large recent torrents to SM with --batchrecent mode. Note: This mode will prompt you to continue once the JPS data has been downloaded. A maximum size can be configured with MaxSizeRecentMode in jps2sm.cfg
Search for your media files specified in MediaDirectories and run Mediainfo against them and save the output to the 'mediainfo' field and parse the data to populate the codec, container, audioformat and resolution fields. DVD ISOs are automatically extracted and Mediainfo is run against the VOB files, BR ISO images are not currently supported in the pyunpack module.
Exclude certain audioformats, medias or categories with --excaudioformat , --excmedia and --exccategory
Test your uploads with --dryrun mode.

From PyPi:
pip install jps2sm

Or use the latest commit:
git clone
cd jps2sm
python install

jps2sm requires python >=3.8

Install the latest release of python:
Launch your favourite terminal emulator, if you are not familiar with command-line usage or tools, on Windows: Type Win+R and run 'cmd'. On Mac: Go > Utilities > Terminal.
Install the package as above pip install jps2sm and add your JPS & SM login credentials and the directories where your media is stored to jps2sm.cfg, using jps2sm.cfg.example as a template.

The SM torrents are automatically downloaded to the $HOME/SMTorrents, or My Documents\SMTorrents if on Windows by default. All video torrents MUST have mediainfo extracted to be uploaded - you must setup MediaDirectories as below in order for jps2sm to find your media files:
MediaDirectories: d:\Music, e:\BR-Rips, .....

MediaInfo will also need to be installed.
To upload an single release or a whole group:
jps2sm --urls <group-url or release-url(s)>

A group-url looks like
A release-url looks like
See Command line usage for batch processing options.

Command line usage Examples
To upload all your current seeding torrents, whilst automatically retrieving mediainfo data:
jps2sm --batchseeding --mediainfo

To upload the latest 50 torrents uploaded to JPS, prompting the user to continue once JPS data has been downloaded:
jps2sm --batchrecent --mediainfo

To test upload all your JPS uploads:
jps2sm --batchuploaded --dryrun

To upload all your JPS uploads:
jps2sm --batchuploaded

To upload the most recent 50 torrents you uploaded at JPS:
jps2sm --batchuploaded --batchsort time --batchsortorder desc --batchstart 1 --batchend 1

To upload your 100 most popular uploads, based on snatches:
jps2sm --batchuploaded --batchsort snatches --batchsortorder desc --batchstart 1 --batchend 2

To upload every release of AKB48 - 1830m:
jps2sm --urls ""

To upload only the FLAC and MP3 320:
jps2sm --urls ""

To upload every release of AKB48 - 1830m, excluding the ISOs (in JPS ISO is considered an audio format):
jps2sm --urls "" --excaudioformat ISO

Please only upload torrents you intend to SEED. Never-seeded torrents are deleted after 48 hours.
usage: jps2sm ( --urls | --torrentid | --batchuploaded | --batchseeding | --batchsnatched | --batchrecent )
[--batchuser] [--batchsort] [--batchsortorder] [--batchstart --batchend]
[--exccategory] [--excaudioformat] [--excmedia]
[--help] [--version] [--debug] [--dryrun] [--mediainfo] [--wait-for-jps-dl]

Single group / release(s):

--urls URLS

Single torrent id:

--torrentid JPSTORRENTID

Batch processing mode:

--batchuser BATCHUSER (--batchuploaded | --batchseeding | --batchsnatched | --batchrecent)
[--batchstart BATCHSTART] [--batchend BATCHEND]
[--exccategory EXCCATEGORY] [--excaudioformat EXCAUDIOFORMAT] [--excmedia EXCMEDIA]

Help for arguments for group/release uploads:

Specify a JPS torrent id to upload
-u URLS, --urls URLS JPS URL for a group, or multiple individual releases URLs from the same group, space delimited
in quotes

Help for arguments for batch mode:

User id for batch user operations, default is user id of SM Username specified in jps2sm.cfg
-U, --batchuploaded Upload all releases personally uploaded
-S, --batchseeding Upload all releases currently seeding
-SN, --batchsnatched Upload all releases that have been snatched
-R, --batchrecent Upload ALL recent releases uploaded to JPS
This mode will prompt you to continue once the JPS data has been downloaded, by default it parses
the first page at JPS - the last 50 torrents shown on the main page: .
This mode is designed to contribute to SM even if you do not have much activity at JPS and/or ensure
that we have the very latest torrents!

Help for optional arguments for batch mode:

Start at this page
-e BATCHEND, --batchend BATCHEND
End at this page
-bs BATCHSORT, --batchsort BATCHSORT
Sort for batch upload, must be one of: name,year,time,size,snatches,seeders,leechers
Sort order for batch upload, either ASC or DESC.
Exclude a JPS category from upload
Exclude an audioformat from upload
-exm EXCMEDIA, --excmedia EXCMEDIA
Exclude a media from upload

Help for optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-d, --debug Enable debug mode. Run your command with this before submitting bugs.
-n, --dryrun Just parse data and show the output, do not add the torrent to SM
-m, --mediainfo Search and get mediainfo data from the source file(s) in the directories
specified by MediaDirectories. Extract data to set codec, resolution,
audio format and container fields as well as the mediainfo field itself.
-w --wait-for-jps-dl (Non-batch mode only) Show a prompt for the user to continue after scraping JPS torrent data and the
torrent, to allow for the file to be downloaded before adding it to SM

Pull requests are welcome!
See for areas that you can contribute to.
To setup your Dev environment for Mac/Linux:
git clone
cd jps2sm
python3 -m venv .venv # or whatever
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

This will install the runtime and dev dependancies and jps2sm itself in editable mode.
To run tests:
cd tests

Windows 10 users can setup a Dev environment using Windows Subsystem for Linux. Windows 7 users can install cygwin and then select the python 3.8 packages. Or a python3 MSI installer can be found on the offical python 3 downloads page.
Install Homebrew if you do not have it already and then brew install python3. See this guide:
Your distro's primary repos may not include packages for python3.8. Using apt-get install python3 for example may only install python3.6 (or even earlier) and due to the use of the walrus operator jps2sm requires python 3.8. The recommended approach to workaround this is to install LinuxBrew and then brew install python3 as also shown above. Otherwise Debian and Fedora based distros can follow this guide: .
Legal Disclaimer
Use of jps2sm is not illegal but piracy probably is in your country. Data transferred using jps2sm should be used to maintain backup copies on JPopSuki and SugoiMusic.
The developers of jps2sm are assuming that you own the original file and hold NO RESPONSIBILITY if further to the use of this software the files are misused in any way and cannot be held responsible for what uploads are created on SugoiMusic as a result.
jps2sm is not a torrent client and only migrates and validates metadata and not the actual data/files themselves.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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