Js Finder2 0.2 | Coderz Product

JSFinder2 0.2

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JSFinder2 0.2

Find subdomains and urls in js files

Table of Contents


Deep check of url
Check urls from file
Custom User-Agent and Cookies
Verbose output
Results location


Rewrite & loosely based on JSFinder.
This allows bug bounty hunters to find references, that you might not otherwise find in SSL cert scraping or similar.
Allows to recursively check for subdomains & urls in JS files. i.e.
Open a.js finds references to hub.foo.bar, opens hub.foo.bar and finds b.js, checks b.js and finds zoo.foo.bar, goes to zoo.foo.bar etc...
Should be used together with other tools in automation. Though be aware, there might be a lot of false positives URLs. The tool uses regex, which is orginally from LinkFinder. (Though issue 59 has been applied.)
Furthermore, a couple of domains are blacklisted, such as:

Furthermore if any of the following words appear in the url, they will not be saved:

You won't find any of these in the urls.
Preferred via pipx
pipx install JSFinder2

or a simple pip command
pip install JSFinder2

The pip page is: https://pypi.org/project/JSFinder2/
python -m jsfinder2 -h
usage: jsfinder2 [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--deep] [-os [OUTPUT_FILE_SUBDOMAINS]] [-ou [OUTPUT_FILE_URLS]] [-c [COOKIE]] [-ua [USER_AGENT]] [-u [REMOTE_JS_FILE_URL] | -f [LOCAL_URL_LIST_FILE]]

jsfinder2 -u https://www.example.com/js/main.js

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity (> INFO)
--debug sets output to very verbose
--deep sets to crawl very deep
Specify the output file otherwise subdomains.txt is used in ~/jsfinder2
Specify the output file otherwise urls.txt is used in ~/jsfinder2
-c [COOKIE], --cookie [COOKIE]
Optional Cookie
-ua [USER_AGENT], --user-agent [USER_AGENT]
Optional custom User-Agent
Specify the url to a JS file
Specify a local file with URLs

Deep check of url
Follows subdomains and looks for script tags
jsfinder2 --deep -u https://www.tesla.com/

Check urls from file
jsfinder2 -f myurls.txt

Custom User-Agent and Cookies
To specify the user agent and/or cookie use
-ua for the User Agent and -c for the Cookie.
Verbose output
You can use --debug to show more developer infos and -v for more console output (this might be a lot, as all urls and subdomains are shown!)
Results location
By default all findings are stored in the home directory of the user in the domains folder i.e.:
# Linux
cat ~/jsfinder2/tesla.com/urls.txt
cat ~/jsfinder2/tesla.com/subdomains.txt

# Windows
type C:\Users\<USERNAME>\jsfinder2\tesla.com\urls.txt
type C:\Users\<USERNAME>\jsfinder2\tesla.com\subdomains.txt

You can adjust the file location via -os for subdomains and -ou for urls.

create a subfolder for each domain
add option to load urls from file
support flag that url is a js file
crawl subdomains for more js files
threading ?
json output file ?

Feel free to open an issue with any feedback, a PR or similar.
It would also help to star the project!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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