Jsonype 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

jsonype 0.1.0

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jsonype 0.1.0

See documentation.
Similar tools

typedload is also a package to
"Load and dump json-like data into typed data structures in Python3". It uses
a less permissive license.
Pydantic is a widely used data validation library for Python.
It is often used for converting to and from JSON, but offers much more than that. Unlike in case of
jsonype classes that should be converted from/to JSON need to inherit from a base class (BaseModel).


python >= 3.11:
Can be installed with pyenv:

pyenv install 3.11

Poetry >=1.2
On Ubuntu can be installed with sudo apt install python3-poetry. See
Poetry's documentation
for alternative installation options.
make for building documentation

Setup virtual env
poetry self add poetry-setuptools-scm-plugin@latest
poetry install
poetry shell

All commands below assume that they are executed in a corresponding
virtual environment (e.g. in a shell started by poetry shell) and the
current directory is set to the project's root folder.
Run checks

Run build

Add new modules/packages
cd docs
sphinx-apidoc -o source ../jsonype/


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