Just Audio Cache | Coderz Repository


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just audio cache

just_audio_cache #

Collection of extension function of just_audio package for auto-handle caching audio files
How to use #
The premise is you already have just_audio package in your dependency
Core method dynamicSet would auto handle caching, if the target file not in cache, would download it and push in cache.
The next time the same url request call, would call the local file instead of requesting.
url is your audio source, a unique key that represents the stored file path,
pushIfNotExisted if true, when the file not exists, would download the file and push in cache
excludeCallback a callback function where you can specify which file you don't want to be cached
import 'package:just_audio_cache/just_audio_cache.dart';

void _play() async {
// dynamic set your audio source
await _player.dynamicSet(your_url);
copied to clipboard
If you want to check if the target file exist in cache
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Manually add file to cache
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Get Cached file for the following url
_player.getCachedFile(url: your_url);
copied to clipboard
Clear all the cache from storage
copied to clipboard


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