Jw Nx 2.1 | Coderz Product

jw-nx 2.1

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jwnx 2.1

About package
This package provides an authentication mechanism for Django Rest Framework based on JSON Web Tokens in the browser-backed up Knox-powered tokens in the database.
This package aims to take the better parts of both worlds, including

Expirable tokens: The tokens may be manually expired in the database, so a user can log out of all other logged-in places, or everywhere.
Different tokens per login attempt (per user-agent): A user's session is tied to the specific machine and logging can be segregated per usage.
JWT-base tokens: The token can have an embedded expiration time and further metadata for other applications.
Only the tokens' hashes are stored in the database: So that even if the database gets dumped, an attacker cannot impersonate people through existing credentials.
Access and refresh token: Like the rest-framework-simplejwt package, this package creates refresh token and access token in login attempt and authentication is working with the access token.
Other applications sharing the JWT private key can also decrypt the JWT.
This package provides some endpoint for getting some data about the statuses of tokens.

Note: Token_key provided by Knox, is set in the payload of access and refresh token.
For installing this package in your environment run these commands:
pip install jw-nx
pip install django-rest-knox

Quick start

Add "jw_nx and knox" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:


Include the polls URLconf in your project urls.py like this:

path('jw_nx/', include('jw_nx.urls')),

Run python manage.py makemigrations.

Run python manage.py migrate.

Add 'jw_nx.auth.JSONWebTokenKnoxAuthentication' to REST_FRAMEWORK like this:



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