Kiara Plugin.Develop 0.5.2 | Coderz Product

kiara-plugin.develop 0.5.2

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kiaraplugin.develop 0.5.2

kiara plugin: (develop)
Development utilities for kiara.



Python (version >= 3.8)
pip, virtualenv
make (on Linux / Mac OS X -- optional)

Prepare development environment
If you only want to work on the modules, and not the core Kiara codebase, follow the instructions below. Otherwise, please
check the notes on how to setup a Kiara development environment under (TODO).
Using pixi (recommended)
The recommended way to setup a development environment is to use pixi. Check out their install instructions.
Once you have pixi installed, you need to initialize the environment once:
pixi run install-dev-env

You also need to do this whenever a depdendency of this plugin is updated (for example the core kiara package).
Once that is done, you can enter the environment with:
pixi shell

This will start a sub-shell with the virtual environment activated, and all dependencies of the plugin package installed. To confirm it works, you can run any kiara command:
kiara --version
# or
kiara operation list
# or

Once you are finished with your development session, you can exit the sub-shell as you would normally do in such cases:

Alternatively, you can also run the kiara executable directly, it is located in .pixi/env/bin/kiara. So either adapt your PATH variable, or do something like:
.pixi/env/bin/kiara operation list

In most cases it's recommended to use a pixi shell though.
Using pre-defined development-related tasks
The included pixi.toml file includes some useful tasks that help with development:

pixi run pre-commit-check: runs a set of checks against all files
pixi run tests: runs the unit tests
pixi run mypy: run mypy checks

Copyright & license
This project is MPL v2.0 licensed, for the license text please check the LICENSE file in this repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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