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Kipkoechpolls 0.2.5
This is a simple Django polls app. It takes users inputs based on given choices and stores them in a Postgresql database. The results of the polls are then shown to the user.
Run ‘fab deploy’ to deploy the project. This runs the provision.yml playbook in the playbook folder which starts deployment using ansible.The provision.yml playbook imports deploy.yml which deploys the project to a AWS instance.
You will need to create a vars.yml playbook that contains variables (Not in repo for obvious security reasons), hosts.yml contains hosts being deployed to, encrypt.yml makes the project hosted in HTTPS, supervisor.yml set up supervisor in the server, and continuous_dev.yml makes the project continually deployed in CIRCLECI.
The Kipkoech Polls project can be run locally via the command ‘python3 runserver’ or hosted using nginx and gunicorn. The first page is a page with poll questions. The user selects a questions and a list of options are displayed. The user selects an option and submits query (Click on the question and submit - there are no indications the question has been clicked). The user is then showed results page which gives results of the polls.
The project is hosted on AWS and can be accessed using the domain []
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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