Km3irf 0.4.0 | Coderz Product

km3irf 0.4.0

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km3irf 0.4.0

KM3NeT instrument response functions
This project provides a versatile tool that can be used to quickly analyze the sensitivity of the KM3NeT detector for various source models.
Currently it considers only point-like sources. The main feature of the tool is deep targeting to gammapy software.
At same time it is independent from installation of gammapy software.
For further analysis in gammapy, km3irf provides next modules:

Instrument response function (IRF)

Effective area (Aeff)
Energy dispertion (Edisp)
Point spread function (PSF)

Data set (in progress)
Event list (in progress)

It is recommended to create an isolated virtualenvironment to not interfere
with other Python projects, preferably inside the project’s folder. First clone
the repository with:
git clone
git clone
Create and acitvate a virtual environment:
cd km3irf
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
Install the package with:
make install
You can also install the package directly from Pypi via pip package manager (no cloning needed).
It can easily be done into any Python environment with next command:
pip install km3irf
To install all the development dependencies, in case you want to contribute or
run the test suite:
make install-dev
make test

Created with ``cookiecutter``


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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