Latextractor 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

latextractor 1.0.0

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latextractor 1.0.0

La TeXtractor – Get your LaTeX zipped up!
Do you find yourself sometimes in need of a neat and clean zip archive with the
essential artefacts of your LaTeX project? Maybe to submit it along with the
camera-ready PDF of your paper?
The times when you manually cleaned out your project directory are over!
We present: La TeXtractor a tool that takes care of everything for you (no
Simply run textract -m paper.tex and you are done.
Really, that's almost it. Check out textract --help for the more advanced
power-user features like

include additional files (like a copyright form)
get a directory with all files in the zip for extra reassurance

How it works
To be honest: It's not hard. LaTeX's -recorder option does the heavy lifting
by listing all files that are accessed during a build run.
La TeXtractor just takes all (non-global) build assets from that list and zips
them up.
To make sure that everything that is needed for a build is included, La
TeXtractor test the build on a copy of the zip,
and prints a reassuring success message if all goes right.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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