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lavadnf 0.3.0
Dynamic Neural Fields
Dynamic Neural Fields (DNF) are neural attractor networks that generate
stabilized activity patterns in recurrently connected populations of neurons.
These activity patterns form the basis of neural representations, decision
making, working memory, and learning. DNFs are the fundamental
building block of dynamic field theory,
a mathematical and conceptual framework for modeling cognitive processes in
a closed behavioral loop.
Voltage of a selective dynamic neural field tracking moving input
What is lava-dnf?
lava-dnf is a library within the Lava software framework. The main building
blocks in Lava are processes. lava-dnf provides
processes and other software infrastructure to build architectures composed of
DNFs. In particular, it provides functions that generate connectivity patterns
common to DNF architectures.
The primary focus of lava-dnf today is on robotic applications: sensing and
perception, motion control, behavioral organization, map formation, and
autonomous (continual) learning. Neuromorphic hardware provides significant
gains in both processing speed and energy efficiency compared to conventional
implementations of DNFs on a CPU or GPU (e.g., using
cedar or cosivina).
Key features
Building DNF architectures
Based on spiking neurons
DNF dimensionality support for 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D
Recurrent connectivity based on kernel functions
Forward connectivity to connect multiple DNFs
Structured input from spike generators
Running DNF architectures
On CPU (Python simulation)
On Loihi 2
Examples demonstrating basic DNF regimes and instabilities
Detection of input
Selection of input
Working memory of input
Relational networks
We highly recommend cloning the repository and using poetry to set up lava-dnf, provided you only want to run lava-dnf
in simulation. This will automatically also install lava.
Note: For INRC members who want to run lava-dnf on Loihi 2 hardware, we recommend following the
install instructions for the Lava-on-Loihi extension.
$ cd $HOME
$ git clone
$ cd lava-dnf
$ curl -sSL | python3
$ poetry config true
$ poetry install
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pytest
Windows (PowerShell)
# Commands using PowerShell
cd $HOME
git clone
cd lava-dnf
python -m venv .venv
set-executionpolicy remotesigned # only required on first execution
curl.exe -sSL | python -
# Include the directory where poetry was installed into the PATH variable.
pip install -U pip
poetry config true
poetry install
You should expect the following output after running the unit tests with pytest.
$ pytest
================================================= test session starts =================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.9.12, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: C:\Users\username\lava-dnf, configfile: pyproject.toml, testpaths: tests
plugins: cov-3.0.0
collected 210 items
tests\lava\lib\dnf\acceptance\ ....... [ 3%]
tests\lava\lib\dnf\acceptance\ . [ 3%]
tests\lava\lib\dnf\connect\ ............. [ 10%]
tests\lava\lib\dnf\connect\ . [ 10%]
tests\lava\lib\dnf\utils\ .... [ 96%]
tests\lava\lib\dnf\utils\ ..... [ 98%]
tests\lava\tutorials\ sss [100%]
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
---------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.9.12-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
src\lava\lib\dnf\connect\ 49 0 100%
src\lava\lib\dnf\connect\ 6 1 83% 20
src\lava\lib\dnf\utils\ 29 0 100%
src\lava\lib\dnf\utils\ 18 2 89% 28, 38
TOTAL 806 13 98%
Required test coverage of 65.0% reached. Total coverage: 98.39%
===================================== 207 passed, 3 skipped, 2 warnings in 28.78s =====================================
from lava.proc.lif.process import LIF
from lava.lib.dnf.kernels.kernels import SelectiveKernel
from lava.lib.dnf.connect.connect import connect
from lava.lib.dnf.operations.operations import Convolution
# Create a population of 20x20 spiking neurons.
dnf = LIF(shape=(20, 20))
# Create a selective kernel.
kernel = SelectiveKernel(amp_exc=18, width_exc=[4, 4], global_inh=-15)
# Apply the kernel to the population to create a DNF with a selective regime.
connect(dnf.s_out, dnf.a_in, [Convolution(kernel)])
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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