Leaflet In React.Js | Coderz Product

Leaflet in React.js

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Leaflet in React.js Images
Leaflet in React.js Images
Leaflet in React.js Images
Leaflet in React.js Images




JavaScript React React.js Leaflet.js
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This React component, MapComponent, utilizes the Leaflet library to create an interactive map that displays a marker at a specified location. The component is designed to be fully responsive, filling the entire viewport, and includes a customizable popup that appears when the marker is clicked.

Key Features:

Integration with Leaflet: The component imports essential Leaflet components from the react-leaflet library, including MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, and Popup. This integration allows for the creation of interactive maps with ease.

Marker Icon Fix: The code includes a fix for the default marker icon issue by deleting the existing _getIconUrl method and merging new options for the marker icons. This ensures that the correct marker images are displayed on the map.

Map Configuration: The map is centered at specific latitude and longitude coordinates (position = [51.505, -0.09]), which places the marker in London. The zoom level is set to 13, providing a detailed view of the area. Tile Layer: The map uses OpenStreetMap as its tile layer, specified through the TileLayer component. This allows the map to display detailed geographical information and includes proper attribution to OpenStreetMap contributors.

Marker and Popup: A marker is placed at the specified position using the Marker component. When the marker is clicked, a popup (Popup) appears, displaying customizable content. In this case, it shows a simple message indicating that it is a CSS3 popup.

Responsive Design: The map is styled to occupy the full height and width of the viewport (style={{ height: "100vh", width: "100%" }}), ensuring that it is visually appealing and functional across different screen sizes. Single-File Component Structure: The component is structured in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to read and maintain. It includes the necessary imports, the functional component definition, and the export statement.


The MapComponent serves as an excellent example for developers looking to integrate interactive maps into their React applications.

With its use of Leaflet, responsive design, and customizable features, it provides a solid foundation for building more complex mapping functionalities. This code can be easily adapted to include additional features such as multiple markers, different tile layers, or dynamic data fetching, making it a valuable addition to any React project focused on geographical data visualization.


Integration with Leaflet: The component imports essential Leaflet components from the react-leaflet library, including MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, and Popup. This integration allows for the creation of interactive maps with ease.

Marker Icon Fix: The code includes a fix for the default marker icon issue by deleting the existing _getIconUrl method and merging new options for the marker icons. This ensures that the correct marker images are displayed on the map.

Map Configuration: The map is centered at specific latitude and longitude coordinates (position = [51.505, -0.09]), which places the marker in London. The zoom level is set to 13, providing a detailed view of the area. Tile Layer: The map uses OpenStreetMap as its tile layer, specified through the TileLayer component. This allows the map to display detailed geographical information and includes proper attribution to OpenStreetMap contributors.

Marker and Popup: A marker is placed at the specified position using the Marker component. When the marker is clicked, a popup (Popup) appears, displaying customizable content. In this case, it shows a simple message indicating that it is a CSS3 popup.

Responsive Design: The map is styled to occupy the full height and width of the viewport (style={{ height: "100vh", width: "100%" }}), ensuring that it is visually appealing and functional across different screen sizes. Single-File Component Structure: The component is structured in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to read and maintain. It includes the necessary imports, the functional component definition, and the export statement.




Run as a Normal Node.js app, preferaby in Visual Studio Code. 


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