Lightprotobufgen 1.0.Dev2 | Coderz Product

lightprotobufgen 1.0.dev2

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lightprotobufgen 1.0.dev2


lightprotobufgen is a commandline tool based on antlr4.5 to generate lightprotobuf compatible messages from a *.proto file.
lightprotobufgen <file.proto>
The script output on stdout it’s result

Current limitations

The tool is still in developpment and some features of official .proto format are not implemented yet :

import : imports statments generates an exception. you still can merge manually different files
global options : the global options are not supported yet
unique enum : will be implemented in next release
extends : Message extend are not implemented since it’s mostly usefull with imports and they are not supported yet
packages : Like google official implementation, it won’t be implemented because python use the file paths as modules/package

The 1.0 release will implement the full .proto specifications.

Release notes


Remove DESCRIPTION.rst because duplicate of README.rst


Comments added to the grammar
Correction of the syntax of negated set in the grammar


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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