Livecheck Python 1.0.2 | Coderz Product

livecheck-python 1.0.2

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livecheckpython 1.0.2

Quick Start

Install the Python package named livecheck_python using pip.

pip install livecheck_python

Import and initialize LiveCheck in your code using the Your ID and Access Key shown on the LiveCheck+ app on your phone. Any bugs (i.e., exceptions) occurring in your code will be notified to your phone with just these two lines.

from livecheck_python import LiveCheck

livecheck = LiveCheck(your_id='', access_key='')

Save logs to the cloud over time to track and visualize them on your phone.

livecheck.log(value={'loss': loss, 'val_loss': val_loss, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'val_accuracy': val_accuracy})

User Guide
LiveCheck (
your_id: str,
access_key: str,
project_name: Optional[str] = '',
hyperparams: Optional[dict] = None,
notification_period: Optional[float] = 0
) -> LiveCheck

Your email used to log in to the mobile app

An access key shown in your account on the mobile app

Set the project name to make it easier to distinguish logs of different projects on the mobile app

Hyperparameters used to train models in the run (e.g., learning rate)

The time in seconds between two consecutive notifications pushed to your mobile. A larger number means fewer notifications.

Set Project Name
set_project_name (
value: str
) -> None

Instead of setting project_name when initializing LiveCheck using the constructor function above, you can call livecheck.set_project_name().
Set Hyperparameters
set_hyperparams (
value: dict
) -> None

Instead of setting hyperparams when initializing LiveCheck using the constructor function above, you can call livecheck.set_hyperparams().
!> Currently, the following types of hyperparameters are supported: int, float, bool, and str.
Set Notification Period
set_notification_period (
value: float
) -> None

Instead of setting notification_period when initializing LiveCheck using the constructor function above, you can call livecheck.set_notification_period().
Notify Exception
After initializing a LiveCheck object using the constructor function above, any exceptions occurring in your code will be automatically notified to your mobile without needing to do anything else.
Save Logs
log (
value: dict,
log_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> None

You can call livecheck.log() after each event (e.g., after each epoch) you want to save logs to check on the mobile app. You can set a custom log_id for each function call. Otherwise, the log_id will start from 1 and automatically increase by 1 after each function call. The logs saved to the cloud by calling this function will be notified and updated to the mobile app on your phone. Two consecutive notifications will be at least 30 seconds apart.
!> Currently, the following types of logs are supported: int, float, bool, and str.

Currently, the following types of logs and hyperparameters are supported: int, float, bool, and str.
The maximum number of runs in one day is 1000.
The maximum number of logs per run is 1000. If a run has more than 1000 logs, it is automatically separated and saved as a new run.
The oldest run will be automatically deleted when a new run is saved to the cloud and the number of runs exceeds 10000.
The minimum time between two livecheck.log() function calls is 0.2 seconds.
The minimum time between two consecutive notifications to the mobile app on your phone is 30 seconds.

If you use this for your work, please cite the manuscript mentioned below in the outcomes of your work (e.g., academic papers).
title={LiveCheck: Check Program Bugs Anywhere - Track Your Logs On-the-Go},

Please feel free to contact me at for inquiries or collaboration opportunities.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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