Logyca Azure Storage Blob 0.1.2

logyca-azure-storage-blob 0.1.2

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logycaazurestorageblob 0.1.2

LOGYCA public libraries

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LOGYCA public libraries: To interact with the blob container files in your Azure Storage account.
Source code
| Package (PyPI)
| Samples

To install the libraries
# Check SQLAlchemy dependency that is installed
pip install logyca_azure_storage_blob

How azcopy performs file consistency validation
Like azcopy, Microsoft's client for uploading large files to Blob, the md5 hash must be computed locally and uploaded to the blob properties along with the file, the blob service will commit this at the end of the process, returning an error if presents inconsistency in value.
Calculates the MD5 hash of the file content and saves it as the Content-MD5 property of the blob:
azcopy --put-md5 #

- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-ref-azcopy-copy

This library uses the concepts of the azcopy client for its implementation.

Test upload
bandwith movistar: upload/download: 300 mbps
Test 1, function: container_blob_upload_staging_blocks_commit with console output
file: 20240126084440-backup.dump
size: 2.03 GB
- self.__chunk_size_bytes=4*1024*1024 # Defaults 4 MiB
Elapsed time: 00:05:22
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[42/522], Percentage[8.05%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[43/522], Percentage[8.24%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[44/522], Percentage[8.43%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[45/522], Percentage[8.62%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[46/522], Percentage[8.81%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[47/522], Percentage[9.00%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[517/522], Percentage[99.04%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[518/522], Percentage[99.23%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[519/522], Percentage[99.43%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[520/522], Percentage[99.62%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[521/522], Percentage[99.81%]
Upload process: file_to_upload[20240126084440-backup.dump], Chunks[522/522], Percentage[100.00%]

Test 2, function: container_blob_upload_data_transfer_options no console output
file: 20240126084440-backup.dump
size: 2.03 GB
- self.__chunk_size_bytes=4*1024*1024 # 4 MiB
- self.__max_single_put_size=8*1024*1024 # 8 MiB.
- max_concurrency=1
Elapsed time: 00:11:19
Unsupported formats: ---
Output: Not available

Test 3, function: container_blob_upload_data_transfer_options no console output
file: 20240126084440-backup.dump
size: 2.03 GB
- self.__chunk_size_bytes=4*1024*1024 # 4 MiB
- self.__max_single_put_size=8*1024*1024 # 8 MiB.
- max_concurrency=2
Elapsed time: 00:03:50
Unsupported formats: ---
Output: Not available

Test 4, function: container_blob_upload_data_transfer_options no console output
file: 20240126084440-backup.dump
size: 2.03 GB
- self.__chunk_size_bytes=4*1024*1024 # 4 MiB
- self.__max_single_put_size=8*1024*1024 # 8 MiB.
- max_concurrency=3
Elapsed time: 00:03:38
Unsupported formats: ---
Output: Not available

Semantic Versioning
logyca_azure_storage_blob < MAJOR >.< MINOR >.< PATCH >

MAJOR: version when you make incompatible API changes
MINOR: version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
PATCH: version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes

Definitions for releasing versions


X.YaN (Alpha release): Identify and fix early-stage bugs. Not suitable for production use.
X.YbN (Beta release): Stabilize and refine features. Address reported bugs. Prepare for official release.
X.YrcN (Release candidate): Final version before official release. Assumes all major features are complete and stable. Recommended for testing in non-critical environments.
X.Y (Final release/Stable/Production): Completed, stable version ready for use in production. Full release for public use.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Types of changes

Added for new features.
Changed for changes in existing functionality.
Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
Removed for now removed features.
Fixed for any bug fixes.
Security in case of vulnerabilities.

[0.0.1rc1] - 2024-05-24

First tests using pypi.org in develop environment.

[0.1.0] - 2024-05-24

Completion of testing and launch into production.

[0.1.2] - 2024-07-18

Two filter sa container blob list are added. modified hours ago to return modified blobs after x hours and include_subfolders to return only blobs from the received folder list.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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