Lunafind 0.5.5 | Coderz Product

lunafind 0.5.5

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lunafind 0.5.5


Search, filter, inspect, download posts from Danbooru/Safebooru and find them
back from the command line without setting up any service or database.
Suitable for daily terminal usage, usable for scripts and as a library
for Python 3.6+.
See also lunasync to automatically
download and keep in sync particular tags using lunafind,
similar to Danbooru tag subscriptions or saved searches.

Operate on tag searches, URLs or file paths
Combine results from multiple searches
Specify custom page ranges, or just get everything
Filter and order booru results to work around the two tags search limit
Optional partial/fuzzy tag matching for filter and local searches
Search downloaded posts by tags as if they were on a booru, without the
hassle of setting up one
Instant results from local searches in most cases after indexing
Fast multithreaded downloads; 8 downloads in parallel by default
Supports operating on post media (image, ugoira WebM, etc), info, notes,
artist commentaries:

Getting the URLs or file/folder paths
Printing on standard output

Local searches performance
The first time a local post search is done, an index file to speed up future
searches will be automatically created and updated when new post directories
exist or are removed.
Test with ~165 000 posts
AMD FX-8300 (8 cores, 3.3GHz), TOSHIBA DT01ACA2 7200 RPM HDD,
BTRFS file system, Void Linux 4.18.14 x86_64:

It takes about 2m30s - 3m to index everything from scratch
After this, search results start coming instantly unless --random or
--order is used.
Searches finish completely in 8-20s

Test with ~60 000 posts
Celeron B815 (2 cores, 1.60GHz), 5400 RPM HDD, BTRFS file system,
Void Linux 4.18.20 x86_64:

About 4mn to index everything from scratch
Results come instantly
Searches finishes in ~20s

Command line usage
Downloading to the current folder every post tagged blonde and 2girls
(default booru is
lunafind "blonde 2girls" --limit 200 --pages all --download .

Searching through the posts we just downloaded,
printing image paths for the results:
lunafind "blonde blue_eyes rating:s score:>5" --source . --show-location media

See lunafind --help for all options and examples.
Python usage
No real documentation yet. Three main classes are provided:

Post: represents a local or remote single post, with its info, media, notes
and artcom (artist commentary).

Album: works like a dictionary of Post, where keys are the post IDs.
Has magic methods and operators to facilitate working with them.
Can be filtered, ordered, downloaded, and more.

Stream: an efficiant lazy iterator yielding posts.
Can be filtered and multithread-downloaded.

Reproducing the command line examples in the section above:
from lunafind import Stream

Stream("blonde 2girls", limit=200, pages="all").download()

for post in Stream("blonde blue_eyes rating:s score:>5", client="."):

Requires Python 3.6+ and pip (for automatic easy install).
Tested on GNU/Linux and Windows 7, probably works on OSX and other POSIX
As root:
pip3 install -U lunafind


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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