Madato 0.7.0 | Coderz Product

madato 0.7.0

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madato 0.7.0


madato is a library and command line tool for working tabular data, and Markdown





Example CLI usage

More Commandline

Sheet List
YAML to Markdown
Excel/ODS to YAML

Future Goals

Known Issues



madato (library) - this library, which reads YAML, CSV, JSON, XLSX/ODS and writes Markdown
madato (cli) - providing a helpful command line tool of the above
The full library is available as a python module, or a rust library.

The tools is primarly centered around getting tabular data (spreadsheets, CSVs)
into Markdown.
Download from
The library, if you need spreadsheet support, then add the spreadsheets feature.
madato = { version = "0", features = ["spreadsheets"] }

pip install madato

When generating the output:

Filter the Rows using basic Regex over Key/Value pairs
Limit the columns to named headings
Re-order the columns, or repeat them using the same column feature
Only generate a table for a named "sheet" (applicable for the XLS/ODS formats)

Madato is:

Command Line Tool (Windows, Mac, Linux) - good for CI/CD preprocessing
Rust Library - Good for integration into Rust Markdown tooling
Node JS WASM API - To be used later for Atom and VSCode Extensions

Madato expects that every column has a heading row. That is, the first row are headings/column names. If a cell in that first row is blank, it will create NULL0..NULLn entries as required.
Example CLI usage

Extract the 3rd Sheet sheet from an MS Excel Document

08:39 $ madato table --type xlsx test/sample_multi_sheet.xlsx --sheetname "3rd Sheet"
|col1|col2| col3 |col4 | col5 |NULL5|
| 1 |that| are |wider| value ‘aaa’ is in the next cell, but has no heading | aaa |
|than|the |header| row | (open the spreadsheet to see what I mean) | |

Extract and reorder just 3 Columns

08:42 $ madato table --type xlsx test/sample_multi_sheet.xlsx --sheetname "3rd Sheet" -c col2 -c col3 -c NULL5
|col2| col3 |NULL5|
|that| are | aaa |
|the |header| |

Pull from the second_sheet sheet
Only extract Heading 4 column
Use a Filter, where Heading 4 values must only have a letter or number.

08:48 $ madato table --type xlsx test/sample_multi_sheet.xlsx --sheetname second_sheet -c "Heading 4" -f 'Heading 4=[a-zA-Z0-9]'
| Heading 4 |
| << empty |
|*Some Bolding in Markdown*|
| `escaped value` foo |
| 0.22 |
| #DIV/0! |
| “This cell has quotes” |
| 😕 ← Emoticon |

Filtering on a Column, ensuring that a "+" is there in Trend Column

09:00 $ madato table --type xlsx test/sample_multi_sheet.xlsx --sheetname Sheet1 -c Rank -c Language -c Trend -f "Trend=\+"
| Rank | Language |Trend |
| 1 | Python |+5.5 %|
| 3 | Javascript |+0.2 %|
| 7 | R |+0.0 %|
| 12 | TypeScript |+0.3 %|
| 16 | Kotlin |+0.5 %|
| 17 | Go |+0.3 %|
| 20 | Rust |+0.0 %|

madato uses:

calamine for reading XLS and ODS sheets
wasm bindings to created JS API versions of the Rust API
regex for filtering, and serde for serialisation.
PyO3 and Maturin for Python Support


I have found that copying the "table" I want from a website: HTML, to a spreadsheet, then through madato gives an excellent Markdown table of the original.

pip install madato

# py
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import madato
display(Markdown(madato.spreadsheet_to_md("../test/Financial Sample.xlsx")

For more examples see pysource/tests

More Commandline
Sheet List
You can list the "sheets" of an XLS*, ODS file with
$ madato sheetlist test/sample_multi_sheet.xlsx
3rd Sheet

YAML to Markdown
Madato reads a "YAML" file, in the same way it can a Spreadsheet.
This is useful for "keeping" tabular data in your source repository, and perhaps not
the XLS.
madato table -t yaml test/www-sample/test.yml
|col3| col4 | data1 | data2 |
|100 |gar gar|somevalue|someother value here|
|190x| | that | nice |
|100 | ta da | this |someother value here|

Please see the test/www-sample/test.yml file for the expected layout of this file
Excel/ODS to YAML
Changing the output from default "Markdown (MD)" to "YAML", you get a Markdown file of the Spreadsheet.
madato table -t xlsx test/sample_multi_sheet.xslx.xlsx -s Sheet1 -o yaml
- Rank: "1"
Change: ""
Language: Python
Share: "23.59 %"
Trend: "+5.5 %"
- Rank: "2"
Change: ""
Language: Java
Share: "22.4 %"
Trend: "-0.5 %"
- Rank: "3"
Change: ""
Language: Javascript
Share: "8.49 %"

If you omit the sheet name, it will dump all sheets into an order map of array of maps.

[x] Reads a formatted YAML string and renders a Markdown Table
[x] Can take an optional list of column headings, and only display those from the table (filtering out other columns present)
[X] Native Binary Command Line (windows, linux, osx)
[X] Read an XLSX file and produce a Markdown Table
[X] Read an ODS file and produce a Markdown Table
[X] Read a CSV
[X] Published as a Python Module
[ ] TSV, PSV (etc) file and produce a Markdown Table
[ ] Support Nested Structures in the YAML input
[ ] Read a Markdown File, and select the "table" and turn it back into YAML

Future Goals

Finish the testing and publishing of the JS WASM Bindings. (PS - it works..
(see : test/www-sample and the Makefile )
Embed the "importing" of YAML, CSV and XLS* files into the mume Markdown Preview Enhanced Plugin. So we can have Awesome Markdown Documents.
Provide a PreRenderer for `rust-lang-nursery/mdBook to "import" MD tables from files.

Known Issues

A Spreadsheet Cell with a Date will come out as the "magic" Excel date number :-( -

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Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or

at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in Serde by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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