Malwarebazaar 0.2.6 | Coderz Product

malwarebazaar 0.2.6

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malwarebazaar 0.2.6

A MalwareBazaar and YARAify API wrapper and CLI
This python module provides a Python API for MalwareBazaar as well as YARAify which can be used very easy to
access both APIs:
from malwarebazaar import Bazaar, Yaraify

b = Bazaar(

y = Yaraify(

Optionally, this module provides a CLI for both services, too:
$ bazaar --help

Usage: bazaar [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Query MalwareBazaar from the command line!

╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Install completion for the │
│ specified shell. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Show completion for the │
│ specified shell, to copy it or │
│ customize the installation. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ batch Download daily malware batches. The DATE_STR argument needs to be in the format of │
│ YYYY-mm-dd. │
│ init Initialize bazaar config file. │
│ query Query the MalwareBazaar API. │
│ recent Get information about recently submitted samples. The API allows either the last 100 │
│ samples or samples uploaded in the last 60 minutes. As the amount is quite big, the │
│ default output type is csv. │
│ version Print and check bazaar version. │

$ yaraify --help

Usage: yaraify [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Query YARAify from your command line!

╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Install completion for the │
│ specified shell. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Show completion for the │
│ specified shell, to copy it or │
│ customize the installation. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ download Download all TLP:CLEAR YARAify rules. │
│ get Fetch Yara rule by its UUID │
│ init Initialize YARAify cli. │
│ query Query the YARAify API. │
│ recent Query for recent Yara rules. │
│ task Fetch task results │
│ version Print and check yaraify version. │

Usually, this module will be distributed via PyPI. If you want to use pre-release versions, check the release section of
this repository. If you don't intent to use the CLI, you do not need to install the "cli eye candy modules" and stick to
the pure Python API via:
pip install malwarebazaar

If you want to use the CLI, you need to include the cli extra:
pip install malwarebazaar[cli]

Note: Previous versions also included pre-built binaries, however, I stopped adding them.
Please just use a local python environment instead.
Python API
from malwarebazaar import Bazaar, Yaraify
from malwarebazaar.models import Sample, YaraRule

b = Bazaar(
y = Yaraify(
response = b.query_recent()
samples = [Sample(**sample_dict) for sample_dict in response["data"]]
file_content = b.download_file(samples[0].sha256_hash) # or response["data"][0]["sha256_hash"]

response = y.query_recent_yara()
yaras = [YaraRule(**yara_dict) for yara_dict in response["data"]]
for yara in yaras:
if yara.rule_name != "classified":
rule = y.download_yara(yara.yarahub_uuid)

There is no dedicated API documentation, however, the function names are pretty self-explanatory and you can just take
a look at the respective API functions here:


This module provides two CLI commands: bazaar and yaraify.
They use the same configuration file and must be initialized with the specific API key before they can be used.
Optionally, auto-completion can be installed for your shell via bazaar --install-completion <shell> (same for
bazaar example
$ bazaar init myapikey
Successfully set API-Key!
$ bazaar query hash f670080b1f42d1b70a37adda924976e6d7bd62bf77c35263aff97e7968291807

Filename │ 03891ab57eb301579005f62953dfd21e.exe
Filesize │ 21504 bytes
Filetype │ application/x-dosexec
Sightings │ First-Seen: 2021-06-04 07:22:18
│ Last-Seen: None
│ Sightings: None
Hashes │ MD5: 03891ab57eb301579005f62953dfd21e
│ SHA1: 41efd56ea49b72c6dd53b5341f295e549b1b64a5
│ SHA256: f670080b1f42d1b70a37adda924976e6d7bd62bf77c35263aff97e7968291807
│ SHA3-384:
│ 72399548d0b0c9c679b3c492bef7f5df38f24e772d0897116b443937c16102fe2b9009aa2f2d0
│ b534ac7bfb710e4a394
│ Icon Dhash: None
Import Hashes │ Imphash: f34d5f2d4577ed6d9ceec516c1f5a744
│ Gimphash: None
│ Telfhash: None
Fuzzy Hashes │ Ssdeep: 384:/SkWXcoDeR7tojS+hsQjouy9lda2zEaNc5jPp:Acie1Cj9hsQDOXEr
│ Tlsh:
│ 04A2196433DCD671ECEB0B71AAB28644E6F5F4855802FB2B1AC481C759A3758CE32793

Signature │ RedLineStealer
Tags │ exe, RedLineStealer

╷ ╷ ╷
ANY.RUN │ No family │ CERT-PL_MWDB │ Undetected
│ malicious │ │
│ │ │
YOROI_YOMI │ suspicious │ vxCube │ malicious
│ │ │
InQuest │ malicious │ CAPE │ RedLine
│ │ │
Triage │ redline │ ReversingLabs │ ByteCode-MSIL.Trojan.Wacatac
│ malicious │ │ malicious
│ │ │
UnpacMe │ Undetected │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
╵ ╵ ╵
$ bazaar download f670080b1f42d1b70a37adda924976e6d7bd62bf77c35263aff97e7968291807
$ file Zip archive data, at least v5.1 to extract
$ bazaar download f670080b1f42d1b70a37adda924976e6d7bd62bf77c35263aff97e7968291807 --unzip
$ file f670080b1f42d1b70a37adda924976e6d7bd62bf77c35263aff97e7968291807.exe
f670080b1f42d1b70a37adda924976e6d7bd62bf77c35263aff97e7968291807.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
$ bazaar recent -s -l5
c2ae8ce5833306a5f311cf95a75271d9f25c037f177f935dff1d27b99b9af549 [Undetected] [@andretavare5] (exe)
b885520ef95e0c2159243d800bda652bd2b787098a9e1d29718a6e73b1204a36 [Undetected] [@andretavare5] (exe)
8b4fa170c0a68f07870823524579484ec7ba31b058ae80e23b8a29d3bfe96d84 [Undetected] [@andretavare5] (exe)
ed3d540886144d18a9f15c349cff1a89080dbb9e62ad224efbe83307af3171f2 [NanoCore] [@abuse_ch] (exe, NanoCore, RAT)
26507309b1d73937d7f62b28e9065e1fe94a74b3b293b263140370fa6cfa90f8 [Undetected] [@andretavare5] (exe)

yaraify example
$ yaraify init myapikey --malpedia mymalpediaapikey
Successfully created config:
{"api_key": "bazaar_api_key", "yaraify": {"api_key": "myapikey", "malpedia_key":
"mymalpediaapikey", "csv_columns": {"rule_name": "rule_name", "author": "author", "uuid": "yarahub_uuid"}},
"csv_columns": {"md5": "md5_hash", "sha1": "sha1_hash", "sha256": "sha256_hash", "imphash": "imphash", "signature": "signature", "tags": "tags"}}
$ yaraify query hash 7a6fcc2f0115c73bc66e9eacf74af4e5c11b06d600fd2038a289d5ee2163d459
Sample 1/1

Filename │ None
Filesize │ 2691072 bytes
Filetype │ application/x-dosexec
Sightings │ First-Seen: 2022-12-22 11:35:25
│ Last-Seen: None
│ Sightings: 1
Hashes │ MD5: 6ae5d1343e41801bf5a501055f43818d
│ SHA1: 18d068b535785ec16d56c0f421addb35232fe377
│ SHA256: 7a6fcc2f0115c73bc66e9eacf74af4e5c11b06d600fd2038a289d5ee2163d459
│ SHA3-384:
│ cc7dab7054f50e9bdcef92d4bdfbc2b27bcca1ea025f2d340703083ae819a2c6e312c20317804
│ 078a4ce124e91f74a64
│ Icon Dhash: None
Import Hashes │ Imphash: 5c7397fd7c1832e37a3cb00b6ee7c377
│ Gimphash: None
│ Telfhash: None
Fuzzy Hashes │ Ssdeep:
│ 49152:NWrMtlmeF2RBzD8CSkkZA2loXISPEB8ClDl1mZDdeP7RWUOIQ:aMtlmeF2RBz1SkkZAKWIS
│ YFgDoPl8IQ
│ Tlsh:
│ T14EC5AE83B7C690F1DB963030051F976EEA7DBE285C749607B3A13A6F69302016B2D79D

Task 1/1

Task ID │ ba3f2653-81ec-11ed-a7d0-42010aa4000b
YARAify Parameters │ ClamAV ✔ Unpack ✖ Share ✔
Detections │ Clam-AV: No Clam-AV results
│ Name: BitcoinAddress
│ Author: Didier Stevens (@DidierStevens)
│ Description: Contains a valid Bitcoin address

│ Name: malware_shellcode_hash
│ Author: JPCERT/CC Incident Response Group
│ Description: detect shellcode api hash value

│ Name: meth_get_eip
│ Author: Willi Ballenthin
│ Description: No description provided.

│ Name: pdb_YARAify
│ Author: @wowabiy314
│ Description: PDB

$ yaraify recent -s -l 5
classified [classified] (4e00e916-1b7a-4020-b64a-701ff3390ca9)
classified [classified] (8f965345-b8d2-4a55-a9c3-2ff23a03ed1e)
win_aurora_stealer_a_706a [@viql] (706a5977-69fb-44ae-bfa7-f61e214148e7)
classified [classified] (5d5e97ac-33f7-4823-9534-ca969d135556)
win_phorpiex_a_84fc [@viql] (84fc2940-d204-4d75-9f17-89cce6b1dea2)
$ yaraify get 706a5977-69fb-44ae-bfa7-f61e214148e7
rule win_aurora_stealer_a_706a {

author = "Johannes Bader"
date = "2022-12-14"
description = "detects Aurora Stealer samples"
hash1_md5 = "51c153501e991f6ce4901e6d9578d0c8"
hash1_sha1 = "3816f17052b28603855bde3e57db77a8455bdea4"
hash1_sha256 = "c148c449e1f6c4c53a7278090453d935d1ab71c3e8b69511f98993b6057f612d"
hash2_md5 = "65692e1d5b98225dbfb1b6b2b8935689"
hash2_sha1 = "0b51765c175954c9e47c39309e020bcb0f90b783"
hash2_sha256 = "5a42aa4fc8180c7489ce54d7a43f19d49136bd15ed7decf81f6e9e638bdaee2b"
malpedia_family = "win.aurora_stealer"
tlp = "TLP:WHITE"
version = "v1.0"
yarahub_author_email = ""
yarahub_author_twitter = "@viql"
yarahub_license = "CC BY-SA 4.0"
yarahub_reference_md5 = "51c153501e991f6ce4901e6d9578d0c8"
yarahub_rule_matching_tlp = "TLP:WHITE"
yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp = "TLP:WHITE"
yarahub_uuid = "706a5977-69fb-44ae-bfa7-f61e214148e7"


$str_func_01 = "main.(*DATA_BLOB).ToByteArray"
$str_func_02 = "main.Base64Encode"
$str_func_03 = "main.Capture"
$str_func_04 = "main.CaptureRect"
$str_func_05 = "main.ConnectToServer"
$str_func_06 = "main.CreateImage"
$str_func_07 = "main.FileExsist"
$str_func_08 = "main.GetDisplayBounds"
$str_func_09 = "main.GetInfoUser"
$str_func_10 = "main.GetOS"
$str_func_11 = "main.Grab"
$str_func_12 = "main.MachineID"
$str_func_13 = "main.NewBlob"
$str_func_14 = "main.NumActiveDisplays"
$str_func_15 = "main.PathTrans"
$str_func_16 = "main.SendToServer_NEW"
$str_func_17 = "main.SetUsermame"
$str_func_18 = "main.Zip"
$str_func_19 = "main.base64Decode"
$str_func_20 = "main.countupMonitorCallback"
$str_func_21 = "main.enumDisplayMonitors"
$str_func_22 = "main.getCPU"
$str_func_23 = "main.getDesktopWindow"
$str_func_24 = "main.getGPU"
$str_func_25 = "main.getMasterKey"
$str_func_26 = "main.getMonitorBoundsCallback"
$str_func_27 = "main.getMonitorRealSize"
$str_func_28 = "main.sysTotalMemory"
$str_func_29 = "main.xDecrypt"

$str_type_01 = "type..eq.main.Browser_G"
$str_type_02 = "type..eq.main.STRUSER"
$str_type_03 = "type..eq.main.Telegram_G"
$str_type_04 = "type..eq.main.Crypto_G"
$str_type_05 = "type..eq.main.ScreenShot_G"
$str_type_06 = "type..eq.main.FileGrabber_G"
$str_type_07 = "type..eq.main.FTP_G"
$str_type_08 = "type..eq.main.Steam_G"
$str_type_09 = "type..eq.main.DATA_BLOB"
$str_type_10 = "type..eq.main.Grabber"

$varia_01 = "\\User Data\\Local State"
$varia_02 = "\\\\Opera Stable\\\\Local State"
$varia_03 = "Reconnect 1"
$varia_04 = "@ftmone"
$varia_05 = "^user^"
$varia_06 = "wmic path win32_VideoController get name"
$varia_07 = "\\AppData\\Roaming\\Telegram Desktop\\tdata"
$varia_08 = "C:\\Windows.old\\Users\\"
$varia_09 = "ScreenShot"
$varia_10 = "Crypto"

uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and
32 of ($str_*) or
9 of ($varia_*)


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