Manage Fastapi 1.1.1 | Coderz Product

manage-fastapi 1.1.1

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managefastapi 1.1.1

manage-fastapi Project generator and manager for FastAPI

Source Code: View it on Github

Features 🚀

Creates customizable project boilerplate.

Creates customizable app boilerplate.

Handles the project structuring for you.

Optional Dockerfile generation.

Optional docker-compose generation for your project needs.

Optional pre-commit hook generation.

Installation 📌


Python 3.6 +

Manage FastAPI can be installed by running
pip install manage-fastapi

Getting started 🎈
Easiest way to start is using the defaults:
fastapi startproject [name]

But there is an interactive mode!
fastapi startproject [name] --interactive

Command line options 🧰
Manage FastAPI provides three different commands.
You can list them with
fastapi --help

The idea is to have a highly customizable CLI, but at the same time a simple interface for new users. You can see the available options for startproject running fastapi startproject --help:

The other commands are already available but the current implementation is too shallow. More details about startapp and run commands will be provided once they have more functionalities, at the moment you can run startapp by just:
fastapi startapp {name}

On the other hand, the run command expects you to have a startproject structure:
fastapi run

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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