Manufacturing Net 0.0.1 | Coderz Product

ManufacturingNet 0.0.1

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ManufacturingNet 0.0.1

# ManufacturingNet
[Website]( | [Documentation](
ManufacturingNet provides a sustainable, open-source ecosystem of modern artificial intelligence (AI) tools for tackling diverse engineering challenges.
Written in Python3 and designed for ease of use, ManufacturingNet’s machine learning library simplifies AI for manufacturing professionals.
ManufacturingNet is developed and maintained by the Mechanical and AI Lab (MAIL) at Carnegie Mellon University.
For more information, visit our website, [](
## Requirements
To use ManufacturingNet, you will need a version of [Python]( greater than 3.4 installed.
To check if Python3 is installed, open the terminal on Linux/MacOS or PowerShell on Windows and run the following command:
`bash python3 --version `
To install ManufacturingNet and its dependencies, you will need [pip](, the Python package manager. If you have a version of Python greater than 3.4, pip should already be installed.
To check if pip is installed, open the terminal/PowerShell and run the following command:
`bash pip --version `
ManufacturingNet depends on the following packages:
- [Matplotlib](
- [NumPy](
- [Pillow](
- [PyTorch](
- [SciPy](
- [Scikit-Learn](
- [XGBoost](
These packages will be automatically installed when you install ManufacturingNet.
### Handling Import Errors
The above packages should be all you need to run ManufacturingNet, but if you run into errors like ImportError: No module named ModuleName, try installing the module with pip like so:
`bash pip install ModuleName `
## Installation
After you’ve installed the above requirements, open the terminal/PowerShell and run the following command:
`bash pip install -i ManufacturingNet `
## Usage
To start using ManufacturingNet in any Python environment, import the library as such:
`python import ManufacturingNet `
If you don’t need the entire library, you can import specific classes using dot notation and “from” statements. For example, to import the linear regression model, use this code:
`python from ManufacturingNet.models import LinRegression `
To import the feature extraction functionality, use this code:
`python from ManufacturingNet.featurization import Featurizer `
When in doubt, check the [documentation](!
## License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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