Markarth 0.0.5 | Coderz Product

markarth 0.0.5

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markarth 0.0.5


markarth is a library to automatically cythonize python code.
It can receive in input python code, evaluate the primitive types that variables are going to possess, and then add codelines for pure python cython mode.
This is an example of python code using markarth to take a code section as a string and returns a string with cython annotations.
code = '''
def stuff(a : int, b : int, c : float = 0.4, d = None) -> int:
sum = 0
m = 11
onono = 17.4
for i in range(4):
p = 7
h = float(64) * p
sum += i
sum = 5 * 18
return float(sum)


cycode = convert_code(code)


The resulting modified code will be the following, with cython.declare codelines:
import cython

def stuff(a : int, b : int, c : float = 0.4, d = None) -> int:
h = cython.declare(cython.float)
p = cython.declare(
i = cython.declare(
onono = cython.declare(cython.float)
m = cython.declare(
sum = cython.declare(
sum = 0
m = 11
onono = 17.4
for i in range(4):
p = 7
h = float(64) * p
sum += i
sum = 5 * 18
return float(sum)

Markarth is available on the PyPI index. You can install it using pip:
pip install markarth

Internal functioning
It makes heavy usage of the ast module in order to parse python code, while leveraging type annotations to infer variable types, thus adding some declarations that with python would speed the code up.
The module's functionality is divided in two main steps:

one in which the code parsed with ast is analyzed to detect types of variables. Results of elementary operations are used, together with invocations of functions like len().
another in which the types collected are converted to cython codelines.

There are additional functionalities to provide conversion options, in order to use cython.double instead of cython.float as type during conversion.
Possible improvements
Several possible improvements can be done (apart from testing and discovering bugs, obviously). Among them:

Store and extrapolate types of containers (lists, dicts, sets, ecc.)
Identify numpy array and type them as memory views
Detect := walrus operators
Possibility of selecting between pure python mode conversion and old style pure cython with cdef VARNAME int codelines


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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