Matrix Mdp Gym 1.1.1 | Coderz Product

matrix-mdp-gym 1.1.1

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matrixmdpgym 1.1.1

Matrix MDP

Easily generate an MDP from transition and reward matricies.
Want to learn more on the story behind this repo? Check the blog post here!
Assuming you are in the root directory of the project, run the following command:
pip install matrix-mdp-gym

import gymnasium as gym
import matrix_mdp
env = gym.make('matrix_mdp/MatrixMDP-v0')

Environment documentation
A flexible environment to have a gym API for discrete MDPs with N_s states and N_a actions given:

A vector of initial state distribution vector P_0(S)
A transition probability matrix P(S' | S, A)
A reward matrix R(S', S, A) of the reward for reaching S' after having taken action A in state S

Action Space
The action is a ndarray with shape (1,) representing the index of the action to execute.
Observation Space
The observation is a ndarray with shape (1,) representing index of the state the agent is in.
The reward function is defined according to the reward matrix given at the creation of the environment.
Starting State
The starting state is a random state sampled from P0.
Episode Truncation
The episode truncates when a terminal state is reached.
Terminal states are inferred from the transition probability matrix as

p_à: ndarray of shape (n_states, ) representing the initial state probability distribution.
p: ndarray of shape (n_states, n_states, n_actions) representing the transition dynamics P(S′|S,A).
r: ndarray of shape (n_states, n_states, n_actions) representing the reward matrix.

import gymnasium as gym
import matrix_mdp

gym.make('MatrixMDP-v0', p_0=p_0, p=p, r=r)

Version History

v0: Initial versions release

Thanks to Will Dudley for his help on learning how to put a Python package together/


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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