Mcda 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

mcda 1.0.0

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mcda 1.0.0

Package for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis named mcda.
Package description
This package is used as a basis to represent Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) problems as well as solve them.
It also contains relatively low-level plotting functions to visualize a MCDA problem and its solution.
It is released on PyPI as mcda.
Its documentation is available here.
To be able to plot relations and outranking graphs, this package requires that graphviz be installed.
On Debian/Ubuntu this is done with:
sudo apt-get install graphviz

If you want to simply use this package, simply install it from PyPI:
pip install mcda

This package can be installed with different optional dependencies to unlock full features:

plot: unlock plotting utilities
all: include all the above optional dependencies

If you want all optional dependencies for instance, do:
pip install "mcda[all]"

Once you installed our package, you can have a look at our notebooks section which contains examples on how to use our package.
If you want to contribute to this package development, we recommend you to read the next section.
This package is growing continuously and contributions are welcomed.
Contributions can come in the form of new features, bug fixes, documentation improvements
or any combination thereof.
It can also simply come in the form of issues describing the idea for a new feature, a bug encountered, etc.
If you want to contribute to this package, please read the guidelines.
If you have any new ideas or have found bugs, feel free to create an issue.
Finally, any contribution must be proposed for integration as a Merge Request.
This software is licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) v1.2.
For more information see LICENSE.
@todo write section


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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