Mfaliquot 0.0.1.Post2 | Coderz Product

mfaliquot 0.0.1.post2

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mfaliquot 0.0.1.post2

This is a suite of various semi-related software concerning MersenneForum’s
Aliquot sequences forum. Of most note is the website that maintains the current
status of all sequences less than 10^6 – its primary script, as well as all
HTML templates, are included in this repository. The primary script relies on
the various other things located here as well.
The website/ folder contains the relevant HTML/JS/CSS/etc.
The scripts/ folder contains the main website script, as well as the
reservations tracking script, a small script to find sequences with drivers
susceptible to breaking, and the merge detecting script.
The mfaliquot/ package contains the and modules
I wrote while I was talking a number theory course – the former module has a
lot of unrelated-to-aliquot material, but has a bunch of relevant stuff as well,
which and in turn the website and other scripts depend on.
The fdb/ pseudo-package can be ignored for now. (I had the ambitious idea of
writing a Python package that extends some HTML parsing done in the scripts/
folder into a complete FDB “API” that interacts with the HTML. Work halted for
the forseeable future.)
All code, markup, and text in this repository (save for the website/html/js/
folder, which contains external projects) is copyright by Dubslow (aka Bill
Winslow), and is licensed under the GPL. See LICENSE for details.
Contributors: Christian Beer


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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