Mi7 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

MI7 0.1.0

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MI7 0.1.0

MI7 is a lightweight and fun spying test framework. It’s main goal is to be as easy to use as possible.

Python is not a language where one expects to be doing a lot of dependency
injection, mocking, stubbing and other techniques that are fairly common in
other languages. That “modus operandi” is what Python developers call being
MI7 is a framework that wants to operate pretty much like James Bond (the old
one): in stealth mode. The main goal of the library is to be invisible to your
production code, and as invisible as possible in your tests.
Experience shows that using current Python test helpers, tests tend to become
rapidly verbosy. There’s nothing worse than writing 10 lines of boilerplate
code in a test so that you can start testing what you want.
With MI7, we are trying to answer that call. A call for a library that helps us
write tests with clear intent and change the current view that Pythonists do
not like Test Driven Development.


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