Miceless 1.0.0 | Coderz Product

miceless 1.0.0

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miceless 1.0.0

Utitlity that helps binding keyboard shortcuts for some of the operations that you do with mouse.
Primary usecase that this tool was written for is switching focus between windows on different monitors.
In some cases, e.g. multiple desktops, simple Alt-TAB wont help,
because it would either switch you to latest used app or would require you to press this combo several times,
until you reach target window. With this tool you can configure shortcuts so that, for example, Ctrl-Alt-1 would
set window in left monitor in focus and Ctrl+Alt+2 would set focus for window in right monitor.
Via PIP:
pip install miceless

To run the app, execute:
python3 -m miceless.run

MiceLess stores a mapping between key-combos and sequences of mouse clicks.
App config would be stored in home folder in .miceless file.
The app should work anywhere where pynput works, yet it has been tested only on Ubuntu with X server.
The tool has two operation modes: recording and playback. You can switch between modes by pressing Ctrl+Alt+~.
While in recording mode, Ctrl-Alt-<key> combo would append click in current mouse location to the list
of events for a given combo. Pressing special combination Ctrl+Alt+0 would clear events list for last used key combo.
In playback mode pressing Ctrl+Alt+<key> combo would invoke a sequence of events stored for that combination.
Known issues

Playback clicks are executed with Ctrl+Alt pressed, because all combos have these keys in them.
This might be a problem for some applications.
There might be collisions with app-specific hotkeys that would result in not desired firings of event sequences.
Events capture is based on pynput which in turn uses Xlib, thus there might be issues in non-X environments,
e.g. in Wayland.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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