Micromelon 1.1.1 | Coderz Product

micromelon 1.1.1

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micromelon 1.1.1

Micromelon Python Module
This module provides an API for connecting and controlling Micromelon Rovers and simulated rovers in the Micromelon Robot Simulator.
The API is equivalent to what is available in the Micromelon Code Editor application.
pip install micromelon

After import you will need a reference to the RoverController
from micromelon import *
rc = RoverController()

The RoverController object contains all the functionality for connection and control of the robot's state.
At the start of any script that controls the rover you will need to connect and put the rover in a running state.
Once complete you will need to return the rover to the idle state and optionally you can end the Python program.
rc.connectBLE(1) # Connects over Bluetooth to rover with ID of 1
rc.startRover() # Puts in running state

# Body of script controlling rover
# eg. Motors.write(20, 20, 1)

rc.stopRover() # Returns to idle state
rc.end() # Disconnects and end Python program

Full code examples available in the examples folder.
Generating Documentation
Full API documentation available at https://micromelon-robotics.github.io/mm-pymodule/
Documentation is generated through the python module pdoc3.
Full documentation on pdoc available here.
1. Installing pdoc
Install pdoc through pip.
Requires python 3.
pip3 install pdoc3

2. Generating HTML
pdoc --html --template-dir docs/pdoc_templates -o docs micromelon -f

3. Running docs locally
You can run the documentation as a webserver on your local machine with:
pdoc --http : micromelon

Then open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser.
Get Python build tool
python -m pip install --upgrade build

Build package
python -m build

Install twine
python -m pip install --upgrade twine

python -m twine upload dist/*


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