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microphone #
Flutter (web-only at this moment) plugin for recording audio through the microphone.
Usage #
To use this plugin, follow the installing guide.
Recording microphone audio #
You need to create and initialize a MicrophoneRecorder in order to record audio.
Note that a single recorder can only make a single recording. Simply create a new recorder
if you want to make another recording. Further note that you can also record simultaneously.
import 'package:microphone/microphone.dart';
// ...

// Create and initialize a recorder.
final microphoneRecorder = MicrophoneRecorder()..init();
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The initialization happens asynchronously, which means that you might need to await the init method.
Now, you can start a recording.
import 'package:microphone/microphone.dart';
// ...

// Start recording audio.
copied to clipboard
Stopping it will give you access to a MicrophoneRecording in the value property:
import 'package:microphone/microphone.dart';
// ...

// Stop the recording.
await microphoneRecorder.stop();
final recordingUrl = microphoneRecorder.value.recording.url;
copied to clipboard
The recording is accessible through a URL and can be played back using e.g. just_audio's "read from URL"
(requires adding a just_audio_web dependency as well; see the example app).
Additionally, you can retrieve the recorded bytes from a recorder (after the recording has been
stopped and while the recorder has not yet been disposed).
import 'package:microphone/microphone.dart';
// ...

// Retrieves the recorded bytes.
final bytes = await microphoneRecorder.toBytes();
copied to clipboard
Do not forget to dispose the recorder:
import 'package:microphone/microphone.dart';
// ...

// Dispose the recorder.
copied to clipboard
Listening to state changes #
MicrophoneRecorder is also a ValueNotifier, which means that it can e.g. be used with a Flutter ValueListenableBuilder
or you can attach a listener using MicrophoneRecorder.addListener.
Whenever MicrophoneRecorder.value.started or MicrophoneRecorder.value.stopped changed, you will be notified. See the
example app for an example usage.
Learn more #
If you want to learn more about how this plugin works, how to contribute, etc., you can read through
the main README on GitHub.


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