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Mindbox SDK for Flutter #
The Mindbox SDK allows you to integrate mobile push-notifications, in-app messages and client events into your Flutter projects.
Getting Started #
These instructions will help you integrate the Mindbox SDK into your Flutter app.
Installation #
To integrate Mindbox SDK into your Flutter app, follow the installation process detailed here. Here is an overview:
Add Mindbox's dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
sdk: flutter
mindbox: ^2.8.4
copied to clipboard
Initialization #
Initialize the Mindbox SDK in your Activity or Application class. Check documentation here for more details.
Operations #
Learn how to send events to Mindbox. Create a new Operation class object and set the respective parameters. Check the documentation for more details.
Push Notifications #
Mindbox SDK helps handle push notifications. Configuration and usage instructions can be found in the SDK documentation here, here and here.
Troubleshooting #
Refer to the Example of integration(IOS) or Example of integration(Android) in case of any issues.
Further Help #
Reach out to us for further help and we'll be glad to assist.
License #
The library is available as open source under the terms of the License.
For a better understanding of this content, please familiarize yourself with the Mindbox Flutter SDK documentation.


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