Miniquant 0.3.3 | Coderz Product

miniquant 0.3.3

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miniquant 0.3.3

Miniquant -- Python Wrapper for PicoQuant's Harp API
This is a modern, convenient Python interface for PicoQuant's HydraHarp
photon counter and similar devices. It connects to PicoQuant's properietary
C library.
Obligatory disclaimer: this is not an officially supported product of PicoQuant,
or in any other way affiliated, endorsed or sponsored by PicoQuant. Use at your
own risk. If you break it, you get to keep both pieces. If it breaks your hardware
(though it shouldn't), it's on you.
Supported Devices
To this point, Miniquant has been only developed for and tested with PicoQuant's
HydraHarp 400. Other devices (e.g. the PicoHarp) may be easy to support, but
no work has been done on that.
Miniquant has only been tested on Linux. This installation guide focuses
on getting it up and running there.

Obtain the Miniquant package. There are several ways to do that:

Via PIP: pip install miniquant to run the latest official release
From git repository:
$ git clone
$ cd miniquant
$ pip install -e .

Miniquant uses the official manufacturer's API library, This has to be obtained manually, as it cannot be distributed
with the Miniquant
package for licensing reasons.
Place it somewhere on your system were it's easily accessible
(e.g. ~/.local/share/miniquant/, or, quite generically, into /path/to/
and point the environment variable MINIQUANT_HHLIB to the full path of the library.
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/miniquant
$ export MINIQUANT_LIB=~/.local/share/miniquant/

For downloading, you can alternatively use the supplied script
helpers/download-hhlib, which is located either in the Miniquant source tree,
or in the distribution folder of the installed package.

Seting up the proper USB device permissions. The device ID is 0e0d:0004
for the PicoHarp,
and 0e0d:0009 for the HydraHarp. You can either set permissions to allow
read-write for everyone (0666), or allow read-write for a specific group
(e.g. dialout). The example file helpers/miniharp.rules shows udev rules for
the first option, i.e. allowing access for everyone:
$ sudo cp helpers/miniquant.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/99-miniquant.rules
$ sudo udevadm control --reload
$ sudo udevadm trigger

Dealing with the quirky USB controller.
At least the PicoQuant PicoHarp device, possibly others, have buggy USB
controllers. You may have to enable USB core device quirks. To do this
temporarily, execute this as a privileged user (e.g. root):
$ echo 0e0d:0009:k >> /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/quirks

To make the changes permanent, append usbcore.quirks=0e0d:0009:k to the
linux kernel boot command line (e.g. by editing /etc/default/grub or
/boot/grub2/grub.cfg, depending on the customs of the Linux distribution
you're using).
Failing to do this will result in the HydraHarp 400 not responding
to connection attempts, and a corresponding disconnection entry
in dmesg.

Checking your installation. For a start,
dmesg should tell you whether you the device is properly reconized:
$ dmesg
usb 2-2: new SuperSpeed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
usb 2-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0e0d, idProduct=0009, bcdDevice= 0.01
usb 2-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
usb 2-2: Product: HydraHarp 400
usb 2-2: Manufacturer: PicoQuant
usb 2-2: SerialNumber: 1041490

Trying a simple Python script will also show you whether the connection
can be established:
$ python
>>> from miniquant.harp import Monster
>>> h = Monster().find('any')
>>> h.serial

Unit testing
Miniquant comes with a set of unit tests which require a Harp device
attached to the computer. As such, they cannot be executed automatically
e.g. in a CI/CD enviroment, but can, and should, be executed by developers
working on Miniquant, or on users wanting to check the compatibility
of their device with the software.
The unit tests are in the miniquant.tests_hw module, and they are divided
in two groups:

harp_test_quirked contains tests that check proper failure
reporting on a system that does not have the USB quirks enabled
(see Installation above. Essentially, the tests succeed
when connection fails.

harp_test contains function tests on the hardware itself, i.e.
correct connection and data processing.

The tests can be started using Pytest and will use the first device
Usage Principles
There are two main classes the end user will directly interact with:

miniquant.harp.Monster represents a connection to the
library. Essentially, requests of finding and opening an attached
device are directed to that class:
>>> from miniquant.harp import Monster
>>> h = Monster().find()

Monster.find() takes several types of parameters to specify
the identity of the device to be opened. Check the
class documentation for details.
The function returns a Harp device object.

miniquant.harp.MonsterHarp is the Harp device object of
an "open" device. It offers a number of Python properties,
mostly named after getter and setter
functions in the manufacturer's library.
Reading or setting those properties will trigger calls to
those specific functions.

Specific properties miniquant.harp.MonsterHarp object will return
sub-objects with properties of subsystems of the Harp ("portals").
For instance:

miniquant.harp.InputChannel and miniquant.harp.InputChannelPortal
for access to channel-specific API elements

miniquant.harp.ModuleInfoPortal for access to API elements specific
to Harp extension modules

miniquant.harp.ErrorStringPortal for easier handling of error
messages / strings from the Harp API.

In general, effort has been made to make access to the Harp device as
"Python-esque" as possible. But ultimately, the capabilities of Miniquant
are limited by the underlying API.
See also the examples section below for more elaborate
usage scenarii.
Reading device information
This is how to open a device and view general information
like hardware details, warnings, features and flags. Note
that some data (e.g. flags) may not necessarily contain useful
data unless measurement work has been started. Consult PicoQuant
documentation for that.

import miniquant.harp as harp

hdev = harp.Monster().find()
hdev.initialize (harp.MeasurementMode.Histogramming, harp.ReferenceClock.Internal)

print ("Serial number:", hdev.serialNumber)
print ("Hardware info:", hdev.hardwareInfo)
print ("Base Resolution:", hdev.baseResolution)

print ("Features:", [ f for f in hdev.features ])
print ("Modules:", [ for m in hdev.modules])
print ("Input count rates:", [ c.countRate for c in hdev.channels])
print ("Flags:", [ f for f in hdev.flags])
print ("Warnings:", [ w for w in hdev.warnings])

Reading and plotting histogram
Here's how to initialize and read a data histogram with
minimal settings to the HydraHarp:

import miniquant.harp as harp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

hdev = harp.Monster().find()
hdev.initialize(harp.MeasurementMode.Histogramming, harp.ReferenceClock.Internal)
hdev.syncCfd = { "level": 0.200, "zerox": 0.01 }
hdev.channels[0].cfd = { "level": 0.300, "zerox": 0.01 }

hdev.acquire(1.0) ## acquire data for 1 second
while hdev.acquiring:

data = hdev.channels[0].histogram


Note that Miniquant is only available under the
GNU GPL license. You are not allowed
to base commercial products on Miniquant. You are also not allowed
to redistribute this, or any products derived from it, unless you
place said products under the same license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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