Mixbytes Tank 1.0.2 | Coderz Product

mixbytes-tank 1.0.2

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mixbytestank 1.0.2

MixBytes Tank
MixBytes Tank is a console tool which can set up a blockchain cluster in minutes in a cloud and bench it using various transaction loads.
It'll highlight blockchain problems and give insights into performance and stability of the technology.
At the moment, supported blockchains are Haya and Polkadot.
Setup - bench - dispose workflow is very similar to a test case, that is why configuration of such run is described in a declarative YAML file called "testcase".
More info can be found at:

Quick guide below

Contributions are welcomed!
Discuss in our chat: https://t.me/MixBytes.
Quick guide


pip3 install mixbytes-tank

Use the --pre option to get the latest release candidate:
pip3 install mixbytes-tank --pre

1. Configure the user config
Configure ~/.tank.yml. The example can be found at docs/config.yml.example.
Please configure at least one cloud provider. The essential steps are:

providing (and possibly creating) a key pair
registering a public key with your cloud provider (if needed)
specifying a cloud provider access token or credentials

2. Create or get a tank testcase
The example can be found at docs/testcase_example.yml.
3. Start a tank run
tank cluster deploy <testcase file>

As a result, the cluster instance listing will be printed along with the run id and the monitoring link.
4. Log in to the monitoring
Open the monitoring link in your browser, type in 'tank' in the username and password fields.
You will see cluster metrics in the predefined dashboards.
5. List current active runs
There can be multiple tank runs at the same time. The runs list and brief information about each run can be seen via:
tank cluster list

6. Create synthetic load
tank cluster bench <run id> <load profile js> [--tps N] [--total-tx N]

<run id> - run ID
<load profile js> - a js file with a load profile: custom logic which creates transactions to be sent to the cluster
--tps - total number of generated transactions per second,
--total-tx - total number of transactions to be sent.
7. Shutdown and remove the cluster
tank cluster destroy <run id>

features -> develop -> master.
master is production-ready code.
develop is expected-to-be production-ready code which is merged into master after thorough testing
(so, no faulty code in develop pls).
develop and master branches are permanent.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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