Mmdzanata 0.7 | Coderz Product

mmdzanata 0.7

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mmdzanata 0.7

# mmdzanata## Prerequisites* [libmodulemd](* [koji](* [zanata-client]( install on Fedora 28+, run:```dnf install libmodulemd koji zanata-client```## InstallationWith the prerequisites installed, the latest version can be installed with`pip install mmdzanata` or on Fedora 28+ with `dnf install mmdzanata`(recommended).## CLI Usage### Zanata Client SetupUse of the upload feature for string extraction requires setting up theZanata client appropriately. Follow the[instructions]( fromZanata to set up your `~/.config/zanata.ini` file appropriately. Note thatyou will want to do this againsthttps://fedora.zanata.organd not Extract Translatable StringsTo extract translatable strings from modules for a particular Fedorarelease (e.g. f29):```mmdzanata --branch f29 extract [--upload]```This will read all of the module metadata from the Koji build-system andconvert the translatable strings to a Zanata-compatible gettext document. If `--upload` is passed, it will also attempt to use the `zanata-cli` tool to upload the strings to the Zanata server. See the "Zanata Client Setup" section above for information on how to configure this. ### Produce modulemd-translations YAML To read the translated strings from Zanata and convert them into modulemd-translations YAML documents that can be included in repodata: ``` mmdzanata --branch f29 generate_modulemd ``` This will produce a YAML file in the current directory with all known translated strings.## API### mmdzanataThe mmdzanata class has two primary methods:* get_module_catalog_from_tags()* generate_metadata()#### mmdzanata.get_module_catalog_from_tags()This returns a babel.message.Catalog object containing all of thetranslatable strings from any module tagged with one of the passed tags.#### mmmdzanata.generate_metadata()This returns an iterable of modulemd-translation objects from the suppliedZanata project and branch.### mmdzanata.fedoraThis class provides helper routines for dealing with translations in FedoraModules.


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