Mmusicc 0.3.0b1 | Coderz Product

mmusicc 0.3.0b1

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mmusicc 0.3.0b1

mmusicc is a lightweight audio file and metadata control and synchronization program to transfer the changes made in a master music library to a derived music library. New files or albums are converted using ffmpeg. When the file already exits, the metadata is compared und updated if it has changed. The individual tags and their processing can be freely selected by each user via a configuration file. There will be a simple Autofill future that can be used to fix small consistency errors, the rules will be editable in the config file (to be implemented). To Synchronize multiple folders at once, the folder structure, directory- and file-names must be identical at source and target, this should be given when this tool is used to one-way sync the master directory. Data can also be exported to or imported from a database (implementation still very basic) e.g. for a metadata backup.
mmusicc shall not replace a metadata editor and only provides methods for automated syncing of large music libraries.
mmusicc’s source code is inspired by the two music tag programs quodlibet and puddletag and uses some code fragments of those.

Installation & Usage
mmusicc is still under development and should not be used to overwrite master data. Using it for ‘slave’ data is perfectly fine. Multiple test confirm that the master files are not modified and only accessed. It is also tested that the program is deterministic.
pip install mmusicc
The script is automatically installed on system. Use --help for usage info or see its output at usage on See also the following examples:
# syncing a full library to mp3
mmusicc -s Music -t MusicMp3 -f .mp3 --ffmpeg-options "-codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 -codec:v copy"

# syncing a full library to ogg
mmusicc --source Music --target MusicOgg --format .ogg --ffmpeg-options "-c:a libvorbis -q 6 -vn"

# syncing a full library to opus
mmusicc --source Music --target MusicOgg --format .opus --ffmpeg-options "-c:a libopus -b:a 192000 -application audio -vn"

# converting one file to another format. The two commads are equivalent
mmusicc -s folder_source/song.flac -t . -f ogg
mmusicc -s folder_source/song.flac -t song.ogg

# saving metadata to database
mmusicc -s Music -tdb database.db

# importing metadata from database,
# where only tags which got a value are imported leaving others untouched
mmusicc -t MusicMp3 -sdb database.db --lazy

# syncing A to B, where all existing metadat is deleted,
# leaving only the white listet tags on file
mmusicc -s A -t B -f .ogg -white-list-tags track title artist delete-existing-metadata

Supported Formats/Codecs
Supported Codecs anf Formats are displayed with --help (see usage).
Additional formats/codecs will be implemented on request.
For now the only formats/codecs supported are, what I need for myself.

Catching every special case of certain metadata formats and transferring it to a normalized dict is nearly impossible (especially with id3). Also different tagging program’s have certain specialities how certain uncommon tags are saved or if say are even displayed. Therefore some features are not yet or only partially supported:

Only one Album Cover file is supported at the moment. More will raise Errors (will be fixed soon).
Support for id3.PairedTextFrames was dropped, since it is not used much and I haven’t found a good way to handle them. They might come back in the future. They are used for ‘TIPL: Involved People List’, ‘TMCL: Musicians Credits List’. Some taggers use these field for e.g arranger.

Version Milestones


metadata working

mmusicc working (and first package distribution (test.pypi only))

comprehensive testing and verification (release on pypi)

interactive mode with text user interface (tui) to display changes

mmusicc can be run in graphical mode from tui (state machine)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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