Mokito 0.3.9 | Coderz Product

mokito 0.3.9

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mokito 0.3.9

# mokitoAn asynchronous ORM for accessing MongoDB in Tornado## What is mokito?(MOngodb + [mongoKIt]( + TOrnado) is an asynchronous toolkit for working with ``mongodb`` inside a ``tornado`` app, like ``mongokit``. Mokito has a pure implementation of python + tornado and only depends on tornado and bson (provided by pymongo)## Why not pymongo?[PyMongo]( is the recommended way to work with MongoDB in Python, but isn't asynchronous and not run inside tornado's IOLoop. If you use pymongo you won't take the advantages of tornado.## Why not motor?[Motor]( wraps PyMongo and makes it async with greenlet. This is a great project, but it uses greenlet. If you can use greenlets why not use gevent instead of tornado? PyMongo already works with gevent. If you are using a very powerfull non-blocking web server with a pure python code, you'll probably want to work with a pure tornado driver for accessing mongo.## Features* validation and conversion of data to the specified type* support for unstructured data* dot notation* control over data presentation* control over data validation* mapping onto the same document of models with different schemes## Installing```bashpip install pymomgo tornadopip install mokito```## Simple usage```pythonfrom tornado.web import RequestHandlerfrom tornado.gen import coroutineimport mokitoclass MainHandler(RequestHandler): def initialize(self): self.db = mokito.Client("db_name", "mongodb://") @gen.coroutine def get(self, user_id): user = yield self.db.user.find_one(user_id) self.render("index.html", user=user)```## Using ORMA Document declaration look as follows:```pythonfrom mokito import Documentclass BlogPost(Document): fields = { 'title':str, 'body':str, 'author':str }blogpost = BlogPost(title='my title', body='a body', author='unknown', foo='bar')blogpost['author'] = 'me'yield```MongoDB in the collection "blog_post" will write this document:```javascript{"_id": ObjectId("..."), "body": "a body", "author": "me", "title": "my title"}```The field "foo" will not be saved. More about this you can read in [wiki]( you can use a more complex structure as follows:```pythonclass ComplexDoc(Document): __uri__ = "mongodb://" __database__ = 'test' __collection__ = 'example' fields = { "f_1": None, "f_2": int, "f_3": float, "f_4": dict, "f_5": [str], "f_6": (int, str), "f_7": { "x_1": {'a': int, 'b': datetime.datetime}, "x_2": None, "x_3": list } }```Please see the [wiki]( for more examples.


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