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360monitoringcli 1.0.19
360 Monitoring CLI
This repository contains a CLI script for 360 Monitoring that allows you to connect to your 360 Monitoring ( account and list monitoring data, add, update or remove server or website monitors.
You can find the full documentation including the feature complete REST API at and
Make sure to have an account at or
360 Monitoring CLI requires a Python version of 3.* or above
Install 360 Monitoring CLI as ready-to-use package
$ pip install 360monitoringcli
Configure your account
First you need to connect your CLI to your existing 360 Monitoring account via your API KEY. If you don't have a 360 Monitoring account yet, please register for free at To create an API KEY you'll need to upgrade at least to a Pro plan to be able to create your API KEY.
$ 360monitoring config save --api-key KEY configure API KEY to connect to 360 Monitoring account
Test 360 Monitoring CLI locally
Test 360 Monitoring CLI with pre-configured Docker image
You can easily test and run 360 Monitoring CLI for production by running the pre-configured docker image
$ docker build -t 360monitoringcli .
$ docker run -it --rm 360monitoringcli /bin/bash
Test 360 Monitoring CLI for specific staging version
To test a package from staging you can simply deploy a docker container:
$ docker run -it --rm ubuntu /bin/bash
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 && apt-get install -y pip
$ pip install -i --force-reinstall -v "360monitoringcli==1.0.19"
For developement, install required Python modules
To test the code locally, install the Python modules "requests", "configparser", "argparse" and "prettytable".
Use "pip install -e ." to use "360monitoring" command with latest dev build locally based on local code.
$ pip install requests
$ pip install configparser
$ pip install argparse
$ pip install prettytable
$ pip install -e .
Run tests to check each function works
Test the code:
$ ./
$ 360monitoring --help display general help
$ 360monitoring signup open the sign up page to get your 360 Monitoring account
$ 360monitoring config save --api-key KEY configure API KEY to connect to 360 Monitoring account (only for paid plans)
$ 360monitoring statistics display all assets of your account
$ 360monitoring servers list display all monitored servers
$ 360monitoring servers list --issues display monitored servers with issues only
$ 360monitoring servers list --tag cpanel display only servers with tag "cpanel"
$ 360monitoring sites list display all monitored sites
$ 360monitoring sites list --issues display monitored sites with issues only
$ 360monitoring sites list --sort 6 --limit 5 display worst 5 monitored sites by uptime
$ 360monitoring contacts list display all contacts
$ 360monitoring usertokens list display user tokens
$ 360monitoring config print display your current settings and where those are stored
$ 360monitoring recommendations display upgrade recommendations for servers that exceed their limits
$ 360monitoring magiclinks create and open a readonly dashboard for a single server only via magic link
$ 360monitoring wptoolkit display statistics of WP Toolkit if installed
$ 360monitoring sites add --url domain.tld start monitoring a new website
$ 360monitoring servers update --name --tag production tag a specific server
$ 360monitoring contacts --help display specific help for a sub command
$ 360monitoring dashboard open 360 Monitoring in your Web Browser
Updating 360 Monitoring CLI package
You can update the 360monitoringcli package to the latest version using the following command:
$ pip install 360monitoringcli --upgrade
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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