M3u Maker 0.1.4 | Coderz Product

m3u-maker 0.1.4

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m3umaker 0.1.4

m3u maker
This script doesn't have any dependencies except from python, so install python3.6+ before.
python2 is not supported
with pip
pip install m3u-maker
m3u-maker ~/Music > out.m3u

available aliases
the best way to run is directly with: python -m m3u_maker
but the following aliases are available m3u-maker, mkm3u, mkm3u8
git clone https://github.com/CastixGitHub/m3u_maker
cd m3u_maker
python m3u_maker.py ~/Music > out.m3u

Help menu
usage: 'm3u_maker [-h] [sources [sources ...]]

Finds music files by extension (flac, ogg, oga, wav, mp3,
aiff, aif, loss, m4a, aac, alac, mogg, opus. webm, mp4, wma, mpc)
inside a folders and it's subdirectories, makes a m3u file
without metadata

positional arguments:
Source directories that contains the music
(subdirectories are included).
We suggest to use an absolute path for better
compatibility with players.
If you want to use relative paths remember that them
are relative to the location of the output m3u file.
Defaults to the directory where the script is called
from (`pwd`).

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Example Usage:
python m3u_maker.py ~/Music > out.m3u
Example with random order without duplicates:
python m3u_maker.py ~/Music | uniq | shuf > out.m3u

Testing & Development
after activating a virtualenv:
install the project with
pip install -e '.[test]'

run the tests with
pytest --cov=.

release a new version on pypi

update the version number in setup.py
clean the old built rm -rf dist
build tarball and wheel with python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
install twine pip install twine
upload with twine upload dist/m3u_maker-*


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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