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multi trigger autocomplete

Multi Trigger Autocomplete #

A flutter widget to add trigger based autocomplete functionality to your app.
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Installation #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml and replace [version] with the latest version:
multi_trigger_autocomplete: ^[version]
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Usage #
To use this package you must first wrap your top most widget
with Portal as this package
uses flutter_portal
to show the options view.
(Credits to: Remi Rousselet)

Portal, is the equivalent of [Overlay].
This widget will need to be inserted above the widget that needs to render
under your overlays.
If you want to display your overlays on the top of everything, a good place
to insert that Portal is above MaterialApp:
child: MaterialApp(
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(works for CupertinoApp too)
This way Portal will render above everything. But you could place it
somewhere else to change the clip behavior.

Import the package:
import 'package:multi_trigger_autocomplete/multi_trigger_autocomplete.dart';
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Use the widget:
optionsAlignment: OptionsAlignment.topStart,
autocompleteTriggers: [
// Add the triggers you want to use for autocomplete
trigger: '@',
optionsViewBuilder: (context, autocompleteQuery, controller) {
return MentionAutocompleteOptions(
query: autocompleteQuery.query,
onMentionUserTap: (user) {
final autocomplete = MultiTriggerAutocomplete.of(context);
return autocomplete.acceptAutocompleteOption(;
trigger: '#',
optionsViewBuilder: (context, autocompleteQuery, controller) {
return HashtagAutocompleteOptions(
query: autocompleteQuery.query,
onHashtagTap: (hashtag) {
final autocomplete = MultiTriggerAutocomplete.of(context);
return autocomplete
trigger: ':',
optionsViewBuilder: (context, autocompleteQuery, controller) {
return EmojiAutocompleteOptions(
query: autocompleteQuery.query,
onEmojiTap: (emoji) {
final autocomplete = MultiTriggerAutocomplete.of(context);
return autocomplete.acceptAutocompleteOption(
// Passing false as we don't want the trigger [:] to
// get prefixed to the option in case of emoji.
keepTrigger: false,
// Add the text field widget you want to use for autocomplete
fieldViewBuilder: (context, controller, focusNode) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: ChatMessageTextField(
focusNode: focusNode,
controller: controller,
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Demo #

Mention Autocomplete
Hashtag Autocomplete
Emoji Autocomplete

Customization #
MultiTriggerAutocomplete #
// Defines the autocomplete trigger that will be used to match the
// text.
autocompleteTriggers: autocompleteTriggers,

// Defines the alignment of the options view relative to the
// fieldView.
// By default, the options view is aligned to the bottom of the
// fieldView.
optionsAlignment: OptionsAlignment.topStart,

// Defines the width to make the options as a multiple of the width
// of the fieldView.
// Setting this to 1 makes the options view width matches the width
// of the fieldView.
// Use null to remove this constraint.
optionsWidthFactor: 1.0,

// Defines the duration of the debounce period for the
// [TextEditingController].
// This is the time between the last character typed and the matching
// is performed.
debounceDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 350),

// Defines the initial value to set in the internal
// [TextEditingController].
// This value will be ignored if [TextEditingController] is provided.
initialValue: const TextEditingValue(text: 'Hello'),

// Defines the [TextEditingController] that will be used for the
// fieldView.
// If this parameter is provided, then [focusNode] must also be
// provided.
textEditingController: TextEditingController(text: 'Hello'),

// Defines the [FocusNode] that will be used for the fieldView.
// If this parameter is provided, then [textEditingController] must
// also be provided.
focusNode: FocusNode(),

// Defines the fieldView that will be used to input the text.
// By default, a [TextFormField] is used.
fieldViewBuilder: (context, controller, focusNode) {
return TextField(
controller: controller,
focusNode: focusNode,
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AutocompleteTrigger #
// The trigger string/character that will be used to trigger the
// autocomplete.
trigger: '@',

// If true, the [trigger] should only be recognised at
// the start of the input text.
// valid example: "@luke hello"
// invalid example: "Hello @luke"
triggerOnlyAtStart: false,

// If true, the [trigger] should only be recognised after
// a space.
// valid example: "@luke", "Hello @luke"
// invalid example: "Hello@luke"
triggerOnlyAfterSpace: true,

// A minimum number of characters can be provided to only show
// suggestions after the user has input enough characters.
// example:
// "Hello @l" -> Shows zero suggestions.
// "Hello @lu" -> Shows suggestions for @lu.
minimumRequiredCharacters: 2,

// The options view builder is used to build the options view
// that will be shown when the [trigger] is detected.
optionsViewBuilder: (context, autocompleteQuery, controller) {
return MentionAutocompleteOptions(
query: autocompleteQuery.query,
onMentionUserTap: (user) {
// Accept the autocomplete option.
final autocomplete = MultiTriggerAutocomplete.of(context);
return autocomplete.acceptAutocompleteOption(;
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License #
MIT License


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