Nanomethphase 1.0 | Coderz Product

nanomethphase 1.0

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nanomethphase 1.0

Phase long reads and CpG methylations from Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Table of Contents


Using pip
From source
Using Docker

NanoMethPhase Modules


Full Tutorial

Methylation Calling
Variant Calling
SNV Phasing
Detecting Haplotype Methylome


NOTE: Before installation dependencies in environment.yaml must be installed. We recommend first making a dedicated environment for NanoMethPhase with all dependencies in environment.yaml file installed. Then activate the environment and install NanoMethPhase using pip or you can clone the git repo and use it from source.
You can make the conda environment and install all dependencies by downloading the environment.yaml file and running these lines of codes:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate nanomethphase

Now you can install NanoMethPhase using pip or use it from source in the dedicated environment with all dependencies installed.
Using pypi repository (pip)
pip install nanomethphase

From source
git clone
cd NanoMethPhase

Using Docker image
It ships with complementary softwares SNVoter, Nanopolish, Clair, WhatsHap &
Tabix. The container does not natively support interactive usage, please
refer to the workaround below.
docker pull jmgarant/nanomethphase

# usage example:
docker run -t jmgarant/nanomethphase nanomethphase
docker run -t jmgarant/nanomethphase snvoter
docker run -t jmgarant/nanomethphase nanopolish
docker run -t jmgarant/nanomethphase clair
docker run -t jmgarant/nanomethphase whatshap
docker run -t jmgarant/nanomethphase tabix

# workaround for interactive use
docker run -it jmgarant/nanomethphase bash -il

NanoMethPhase Modules
Preparing methylation call file for methylation phasing or conversion of a bam file to whole genome bisulfite sequencing format for visualization in IGV.
usage: nanomethphase methyl_call_processor --MethylCallfile METHYLCALLFILE
[--callThreshold CALLTHRESHOLD]
[--motif MOTIF] [--threads THREADS]
[--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE]

Preparing methylation call file for methylation phasing. Extended usage:
nanomethphase methyl_call_processor -mc [FILE] | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n |
bgzip > [FILE].bed.gz && tabix -p bed [FILE].bed.gz

required arguments:
The path to the nanopolish methylation call file from.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Quality threshold for considering a site as methylated
in methylation call file. Default is 2.0
--motif MOTIF, -mf MOTIF
The motif you called methylation for (cpg), Currently
just cpg.
--threads THREADS, -t THREADS
Number of parallel processes
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE, -cs CHUNK_SIZE
Number of reads send to each proccessor. Default is

Phasing reads and CpG Methylation data to the coresponding haplotypes.
usage: nanomethphase phase --bam BAM --output OUTPUT [--vcf VCF]
[--per_read PER_READ] [--reference REFERENCE]
[--methylcallfile METHYLCALLFILE] [-h]
[--outformat OUTFORMAT] [--window WINDOW]
[--motif MOTIF] [--hapratio HAPRATIO]
[--min_base_quality MIN_BASE_QUALITY]
[--average_base_quality AVERAGE_BASE_QUALITY]
[--mapping_quality MAPPING_QUALITY]
[--min_SNV MIN_SNV] [--threads THREADS]
[--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [--include_supplementary]

Phasing reads and Methylation

required arguments:
--bam BAM, -b BAM The path to the cordinate sorted bam file.
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
The path to directory and prefix to save files. e.g

one of these two are required arguments:
--vcf VCF, -v VCF The path to the whatshap phased vcf file or if it is
your second try and you have per read info file from
the first try there is no need to give vcf file,
instead give the path to the per read info file using
--per_read option which will be significantly faster.
If you give both vcf and per read file, per read file
will be ignored
--per_read PER_READ, -pr PER_READ
If it is your second try and you have per read info
file from the first try there is no need to give vcf
file, instead give the path to the per read info file.
This will be significantly faster.

conditional required arguments based on selected output format(s):
The path to the reference file in case you selected
bam2bis output format. Fasta file must be already
indexed using samtools faidx.
If you want to phase methyl call file (methycall
output format) to also calculate methylation frequency
for each haplotype give the path to the bgziped
methylation call file from methyl_call_processor

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outformat OUTFORMAT, -of OUTFORMAT
What type of output you want (bam,bam2bis,methylcall).
Default is bam2bis,methylcall.bam: outputs phased
reads to seperate bam files.bam2bis: outputs phased
reads to seperate bam files converted to bisulfite bam
format for visualisation in IGV.methylcall: outputs
phased methylcall and methylation frequency files for
seperate haplotypes. You can select any format and
multiple or all of them seperated by comma.NOTE: if
you select bam2bis and/or methylcall, you must provide
input methylcall.bed.gz file from
methyl_call_processor module.
--window WINDOW, -w WINDOW
if you want to only phase read for a region or
chromosome. You must insert region like this chr1 or
--motif MOTIF, -mt MOTIF
The motif you called methylation for (cpg), Currently
just cpg.
--hapratio HAPRATIO, -hr HAPRATIO
0-1 .The threshold ratio between haplotype to tag as
H1 or H2. Default is <= 0.7
--min_base_quality MIN_BASE_QUALITY, -mbq MIN_BASE_QUALITY
Only include bases with phred score higher or equal
than this option. Default is >=7.
Base quality that SNVs tagged to a haplotype shoud
have compare to the other haplotype. When the average
base quality of SNVs mapped to two haplotype for one
read is equal or decision cannot be made Base on
Average bq (e.g. when 10 SNVs of HP1 mapped to a read
with average quality of 30, but only one SNV from HP2
mapped to the same read with bq=35) Then, instead of
quality count number of SNVs with quality more than
average_base_quality. Default is >=20.
An integer value to specify thereshold for filtering
reads based om mapping quality. Default is >=20
--min_SNV MIN_SNV, -ms MIN_SNV
minimum number of phased SNVs must a read have to be
phased. Default= 2
--threads THREADS, -t THREADS
Number of parallel processes
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE, -cs CHUNK_SIZE
Number of reads send to each proccessor. Default is
--include_supplementary, -is
Also include supplementary reads
--overwrite, -ow If output files exist overwrite them

To perform differential Methylation analysis for two group comparison. To detect differentially methylated regions between haplotypes.
usage: nanomethphase dma --case CASE --control CONTROL --out_dir OUT_DIR
--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX [-h] [--columns COLUMNS]
[--Rscript RSCRIPT] [--script_file SCRIPT_FILE]
[--coverage COVERAGE] [--dis_merge DIS_MERGE]
[--minlen MINLEN] [--minCG MINCG]
[--smoothing_span SMOOTHING_SPAN]
[--smoothing_flag SMOOTHING_FLAG]
[--equal_disp EQUAL_DISP] [--pval_cutoff PVAL_CUTOFF]
[--delta_cutoff DELTA_CUTOFF] [--pct_sig PCT_SIG]

Differential Methylation analysis for two group only (to find DMRs using
phased frequency results) using DSS R package.

required arguments:
--case CASE, -ca CASE
The path to the tab delimited input methylation
frequency or ready input case file(s). If multiple
files, files must be in the same directory and enter
them comma seperates (e.g. file1,file2,file3)
--control CONTROL, -co CONTROL
The path to the tab delimited input methylation
frequency or ready input control file(s). If multiple
files, files must be in the same directory and enter
them comma seperates (e.g. file1,file2,file3)
--out_dir OUT_DIR, -o OUT_DIR
The path to the output directory
--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX, -op OUT_PREFIX
The prefix for the output files

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--columns COLUMNS, -c COLUMNS
Comma seperated Columns in the methylation frequency
files that include the following information,
respectively: chromosome start strand coverage
methylation_frequency. If the methylation frequency
file does not have strand level information then just
enter columns number for chromosome start coverage
methylation_frequency. Default is that your input
files are already in a format required by DSS so you
do not need to select any column. If you giving as
input NanoMethPhase frequency files select
this:--columns 1,2,4,5,7
--Rscript RSCRIPT, -rs RSCRIPT
The path to a particular instance of Rscript to use
--script_file SCRIPT_FILE, -sf SCRIPT_FILE
The path to the DSS_DMA.R script file
--coverage COVERAGE, -cov COVERAGE
Coverage cutoff. Default is >=1. It is recommended
that do not filter for coverage as DSS R package will
take care of it.
--dis_merge DIS_MERGE, -dm DIS_MERGE
When two DMRs are very close to each other and the
distance (in bps) is less than this number, they will
be merged into one. Default is 1500 bps.
--minlen MINLEN, -ml MINLEN
Minimum length (in basepairs) required for DMR.
Default is 100 bps.
--minCG MINCG, -mcg MINCG
Minimum number of CpG sites required for DMR. Default
is 15.
--smoothing_span SMOOTHING_SPAN, -sms SMOOTHING_SPAN
The size of smoothing window, in basepairs. Default is
--smoothing_flag SMOOTHING_FLAG, -smf SMOOTHING_FLAG
TRUE/FALSE. The size of smoothing window, in
basepairs. Default is TRUE. We recommend to use
smoothing=TRUE for whole-genome BS-seq data, and
smoothing=FALSE for sparser data such like from RRBS
or hydroxyl-methylation data (TAB-seq). If there is
not biological replicate, smoothing=TRUE is required.
Default is TRUE
--equal_disp EQUAL_DISP, -ed EQUAL_DISP
TRUE/FALSE. When there is no biological replicate in
one or both treatment groups, users can either (1)
specify equal.disp=TRUE, which assumes both groups
have the same dispersion, then the data from two
groups are combined and used as replicates to estimate
dispersion; or (2) specify smoothing=TRUE, which uses
the smoothed means (methylation levels) to estimate
dispersions via a shrinkage estimator. This smoothing
procedure uses data from neighboring CpG sites as
"pseudo-replicate" for estimating biological variance.
Default is FALSE
--pval_cutoff PVAL_CUTOFF, -pvc PVAL_CUTOFF
A threshold of p-values for calling DMR. Loci with
p-values less than this threshold will be picked and
joint to form the DMRs. See 'details' for more
information. Default is 0.001
--delta_cutoff DELTA_CUTOFF, -dc DELTA_CUTOFF
A threshold for defining DMR. In DML detection
procedure, a hypothesis test that the two groups means
are equal is conducted at each CpG site. Here if
'delta' is specified, the function will compute the
posterior probability that the difference of the means
are greater than delta, and then construct DMR based
on that. This only works when the test results are
from 'DMLtest', which is for two-group comparison.
Default is 0
--pct_sig PCT_SIG, -pct PCT_SIG
In all DMRs, the percentage of CG sites with
significant p-values (less than p.threshold) must be
greater than this threshold. Default is 0.5. This is
mainly used for correcting the effects of merging of
nearby DMRs.
--overwrite, -ow If output files exist overwrite them

Convert a bam file to a mock whole-genome bisulfite sequencing format for visualization in IGV.
usage: nanomethphase bam2bis --bam BAM --reference REFERENCE --methylcallfile
[--window WINDOW] [--motif MOTIF]
[--mapping_quality MAPPING_QUALITY]
[--methylation] [--threads THREADS]
[--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE]
[--include_supplementary] [--overwrite]

Convert a bam file to a bisulfite format for nice visualization in IGV

required arguments:
--bam BAM, -b BAM The path to the cordinate sorted bam file.
The path to the reference file. Fasta file must be
already indexed using samtools faidx.
The path to the the bgziped and indexed methylation
call file from methyl_call_processor Module.
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
The path to the output directory and desired prefix.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--window WINDOW, -w WINDOW
if you want to only convert reads for a region or
chromosome. You must insert region like this chr1 or
--motif MOTIF, -mt MOTIF
The motif you called methylation for (cpg), Currently
just cpg.
An integer value to specify thereshold for filtering
reads based om mapping quality. Default is >=20
--methylation, -met Output methylation call and frequency for converted
--threads THREADS, -t THREADS
Number of parallel processes
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE, -cs CHUNK_SIZE
Number of reads send to each proccessor. Default is
--include_supplementary, -is
Also include supplementary reads
--overwrite, -ow If output files exist overwrite it

If you have your methylation call data and phased vcf file you can get the
haplotype methylome via:
1- Processing and indexing methylation call file
nanomethphase methyl_call_processor -mc MethylationCall.tsv -t 20 | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n | bgzip > MethylationCall.bed.gz && tabix -p bed MethylationCall.bed.gz

2- Getting haplotype methylome:
nanomethphase phase -mc MethylationCall.bed.gz -o Test_methylome -of bam,methylcall,bam2bis -b sorted.bam -r hg38.fa -v Phased.vcf -t 64

You can select 3 output options:
bam: output phased bam files
methylcall: this will output phased methylation call (MethylCall.tsv, read level data) and methylation frequency files (MethylFrequency.tsv, Aggregated methylations for each region. These files can be used to detect differentially methylated regions between haplotype using dma module.). The headers for methylation call files are as follow:


Chromosome name.

Zero-Based start position of CpG.

Zero-Based end position of CpG.


Read ID.

llr from nanopolish given to each CpG as being methylated or not.

The headers for methylation frequency files are as follow:


Chromosome name.

Zero-Based start position of CpG.

Zero-Based end position of CpG.


Number of all called CpGs.

Number of all CpGs that called as methylated.

Methylation frequency (NumOfModCalls/NumOfAllCalls).

bam2bis: output mock whole-genome bisulfite converted bam files which can be visualized in IGV.
NOTE: NanoMethPhase will also output a PerReadInfo.tsv file. This file includes the folllowing information:


Chromosome that read mapped to.

Zero-Based start position where the read mapped.

Zero-Based end position where the read mapped.

Read ID.


Bitwise flag of the read.

The length of mapped read.

Haplotype status of SNVs mapped to the read (for each read SNVs from each haplotype will be written in separate lines).

Number of all SNVs (regardless of base quality filter) from the haplotype mapped to the read.

Genomic position:Base quality of the SNVs.

Having this file allow you to use it instead of the vcf file which improves the speed significantly for future runs, for example when you wish to phase with different threshols etc.
Full Tutorial
In order to get the phased methylome you also need the following third-party
Nanopolish : To call CpG methylation.
Clair or other variant callers: To call
variants for your sample. Alternatively, you might already have variant calling
data for example from Illumina sequencing.
WhatsHap: To phase single nucleotide
1- Methylation Calling
1-1 indexing fastq file and fast5 files:
NOTE: Fastqs must be merged to a single file
nanopolish index -d /path/to/fast5s_directory/.fastq

1-2 Methylation calling for CpG from each read:
nanopolish call-methylation -t <number_of_threads> -q cpg -r /path/to/fastq_fromstep-1/fastq.fastq -b /path/to/sorted_and_indexed/bam.bam -g /path/to/reference.fa > /path/to/MethylationCall.tsv

For the full tutorial please refer to
Nanopolish page on GitHub.
2- Variant Calling
We have used Clair to call variants. However, you may call variants with other
tools or your variant data may come from Illumina or other methods.
You can call variants for each chromosome using the following command and then
concatenate all files:
for i in chr{1..22} chrX chrY; do callVarBam --chkpnt_fn <path_to_model_file> --ref_fn <reference_genome.fa> --bam_fn <sorted_indexed.bam> --ctgName $i --sampleName <your_sample_name> --call_fn $i".vcf" --threshold 0.2 --samtools <path_to_executable_samtools_software> --pypy <path_to_executable_pypy > --threads <number_of_threads>

For the full tutorial please refer to Clair
page on GitHub.
After variant calling, you can select only SNVs which will be used for phasing:
awk '$4 != "." && $5 != "." && length($4) == 1 && length($5) == 1 && $6 > <the_variant_calling_quality_threshold>' variants.vcf > HighQualitySNVs.vcf

If you are calling variants from low coverage nanopore data (<30x) using Clair, you can also use our other tool SNVoter to improve SNV detection.
3- Phasing of detected SNVs
If you have your SNVs data available you need to phase them using
whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups --reference reference.fa -o HighQualitySNVs_whatshap_phased.vcf HighQualitySNVs.vcf sorted_indexed.bam

For the full tutorial please refer to
WhatsHap page on GitHub.
If you have Trio data (Father, Mother, Child) you can use the script
script to make a mock phased vcf file and use it as input for NanoMethPhase.
4- Detecting Haplotype Methylome
4-1 First you need to phase process methylation call file from Nanopolish.
nanomethphase methyl_call_processor -mc MethylationCall.tsv -t 20 | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n | bgzip > MethylationCall.bed.gz && tabix -p bed MethylationCall.bed.gz

4-2 Getting haplotype methylome:
nanomethphase phase -mc MethylationCall.bed.gz -o Test_methylome -of bam,methylcall,bam2bis -b sorted.bam -r hg38.fa -v Phased.vcf -t 64

If your are not using called SNVs from nanopore data, and they come from, for
example, short-read sequencing, we recommend using -mbq 0 in the above code.
You can select 3 output options:
bam: output phased bam files
methylcall: this will output phased methylation call (MethylCall.tsv, read level data) and methylation frequency files (MethylFrequency.tsv, Aggregated methylations for each region. These files can be used to detect differentially methylated regions between haplotype using dma module.). The headers for methylation call files are as follow:


Chromosome name.

Zero-Based start position of CpG.

Zero-Based end position of CpG.


Read ID.

llr from nanopolish given to each CpG as being methylated or not.

The headers for methylation frequency files are as follow:


Chromosome name.

Zero-Based start position of CpG.

Zero-Based end position of CpG.


Number of all called CpGs.

Number of all CpGs that called as methylated.

Methylation frequency (NumOfModCalls/NumOfAllCalls).

bam2bis: output mock whole-genome bisulfite converted bam files which can be visualized in IGV.
NOTE: NanoMethPhase will also output a PerReadInfo.tsv file. This file includes the folllowing information:


Chromosome that read mapped to.

Zero-Based start position where the read mapped.

Zero-Based end position where the read mapped.

Read ID.


Bitwise flag of the read.

The length of mapped read.

Haplotype status of SNVs mapped to the read (for each read SNVs from each haplotype will be written in separate lines).

Number of all SNVs (regardless of base quality filter) from the haplotype mapped to the read.

Genomic position:Base quality of the SNVs.

Having this file allow you to use it instead of the vcf file which improves the speed significantly for future runs, for example when you wish to phase with different threshols etc.
4-3 Differential Methylation Analysis:
nanomethphase dma -c 1,2,4,5,7 -ca <path to methylation frequency for haplotype1> -co <path to methylation frequency for haplotype2> -o <output directory> -op <output Prefix>

We use DSS R/Bioconductor package to call DMRs between haplotypes.
callDMR.txt is the main output you need that stores differentially methylated regions, callDML.txt is the output that stores differentialy methylated loci and DMLtest.txt is the output that stores statistical test results for all loci. For more documentation of output data refere to DSS page.
We have included an example data in the Example_Data folder which you can use for a quick detection of haplotype methylome on 1Mb of chr21.


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