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netlify auth
gotrue-dart library #
This is a Dart client library for the GoTrue API.
It lets you create and authenticate users and is a building block for constructing
the UI for signups, password recovery, login and logout.
Play around the methods via the demo site.
Installation #
To use this plugin, add netlify_auth as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
$ flutter pub add netlify_auth
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Usage #
import 'package:netlify_auth/netlify_auth.dart';
// Instantiate the GoTrue auth client with a GoTrueInit configuration
GoTrue auth = GoTrue(
APIUrl: '',
setCookie: true,
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GoTrue configuration #
APIUrl: The absolute path of the GoTrue endpoint. To find the APIUrl, go to Identity page of your Netlify site dashboard.
audience(optional): audience is one of the pre-defined JWT payload claims. It's an optional attribute which is set to be empty by default. If you were hosting your own identity service and wanted to support multitenancy, you would need audience to separate the users.
setCookie(optional): set to be false by default. If you wish to implement the remember me functionality, set the value to be true.
Authentication examples #
Create a new user #
Create a new user with the specified email and password
auth.signup(email, password);
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Example usage:
.signup(email, password)
.then(response => debugPrint("Confirmation email sent"))
.catchError(error => debugPrint("It's an error"));
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Example response object:
User (
id: 'example-id',
aud: '',
role: '',
email: '',
confirmation_sent_at: '2018-04-27T22:36:59.636416916Z',
app_metadata: { provider: 'email' },
user_metadata: null,
created_at: '2018-04-27T22:36:59.632133283Z',
updated_at: '2018-04-27T22:37:00.061039863Z'
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Also, make sure the Registration preferences under Identity settings in your Netlify dashboard are set to Open.
If the registration preferences is set to be Invite only, you'll get an error message like this:
{code: 403, msg: 'Signups not allowed for this instance'}
Confirm a new user signup #
This function confirms a user sign up via a unique confirmation token
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When a new user signed up, a confirmation email will be sent to the user if Autoconfirm isn't turned on under the identity settings.
In the email, there's a link that says "Confirm your email address".
When a user clicks on the link, it'll be redirected to the site with a fragment identifier #confirmation_token=Iyo9xHvsGVbW-9A9v4sDmQ in the URL.
If you wish to confirm a user use the auth.confirm(confirmationLink).
Example usage:
.then((response) {
debugPrint("Confirmation email sent"));
.catchError((e) {
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Check confirmed user #
This function returns a boolean when call of the users status
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Example usage:
if (user.isConfirmed) {
builder: (context) => const Dashboard()));
} else {
builder: (context) => const ConfirmationPage()));
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Login a user #
Handles user login via the specified email and password
auth.login(email, password)
Example usage:
.login(email.value, password.value)
.then(response => showMessage("Success! Response: " , form))
.catchError(error => showMessage("Failed"));
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Example response object:
api: {
"apiURL": "",
"_sameOrigin": true,
"defaultHeaders": {}
url: "",
toke: Token(
access_token: "example-jwt-token",
token_type: "bearer",
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: "example-refresh_token",
expires_at: 1526062471000
id: "example-id",
aud: "",
role: "",
email: "",
confirmed_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
app_metadata: {
"provider": "email"
user_metadata: {},
created_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
updated_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z"
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Request password recover email #
This function sends a request to GoTrue API and triggers a password recovery email to the specified email address.
Similar to confirmation_token, the recovery_token is baked in the link of the email. You can also copy the link location from the email and run curl -I in the command line to grab the token.
Example usage:
.then(response => debugPrint("Recovery email sent"))
.catchError(error => debugPrint("Error sending recovery mail"));
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Example response object:
Recover a user account #
This function recovers a user account via a recovery token
Example usage:
.then(response =>
debugPrint("Logged in as %s")
.catchError(error => debugPrint("Failed to verify recovery token"));
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Example response object:
api: {
"apiURL": "",
"_sameOrigin": true,
"defaultHeaders": {}
url: "",
toke: Token(
access_token: "example-jwt-token",
token_type: "bearer",
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: "example-refresh_token",
expires_at: 1526062471000
id: "example-id",
aud: "",
role: "",
email: "",
confirmed_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
app_metadata: {
"provider": "email"
user_metadata: {},
created_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
updated_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z"
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Get current user #
This function returns the current user object when a user is logged in
Example usage:
final user = auth.currentUser();
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Example response object:
api: {
"apiURL": "",
"_sameOrigin": true,
"defaultHeaders": {}
url: "",
toke: Token(
access_token: "example-jwt-token",
token_type: "bearer",
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: "example-refresh_token",
expires_at: 1526062471000
id: "example-id",
aud: "",
role: "",
email: "",
confirmed_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
app_metadata: {
"provider": "email"
user_metadata: {},
created_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
updated_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z"
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Update a user #
This function updates a user object with specified attributes
user.update( attributes )
Example usage:
const user = auth.currentUser();
.update({ email: "", password: "password" })
.then(user => debugPrint("Updated user"))
.catchError((error) {
debugPrint("Failed to update user");
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Example response object:
api: {
"apiURL": "",
"_sameOrigin": true,
"defaultHeaders": {}
url: "",
toke: Token(
access_token: "example-jwt-token",
token_type: "bearer",
expires_in: 3600,
refresh_token: "example-refresh_token",
expires_at: 1526062471000
id: "example-id",
aud: "",
role: "",
email: "",
confirmed_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
app_metadata: {
"provider": "email"
user_metadata: {},
created_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z",
updated_at: "2018-05-04T23:57:17Z"
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Get a JWT token #
This function retrieves a JWT token from a currently logged in user
Example usage:
const user = auth.currentUser();
const jwt = user.jwt();
.then(response => debugPrint("This is a JWT token"))
.catchError((error) {
debugPrint("Error fetching JWT token");
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Example response object:
eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MjUyMTk4MTYsInN1YiI6ImE5NG.98YDkB6B9JbBlDlqqef2nme2tkAnsi30QVys9aevdCw debugger eval code:1:43
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Logout a user #
This function removes the current session of the user and log out the user
Example usage:
const user = auth.currentUser();
.then(response => debugPrint("User logged out"))
debugPrint("Failed to logout user");
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See also #
Netlify identity docs
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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