Nettyfinder | Coderz Repository


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This was originally built by Bolaji Ayodeji so all rights goes to him, I only interpreted the javascript code to Dart
Getting started #
Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml
nettyfinder: <latest-version>

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Usage #
// Import the package
import 'package:nettyfinder/nettyfinder.dart';
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void main() {

// This is a callable class
// Just instantiate the class with the number
var netFinder = NetworkTypeDetect("+2347012345678");

// Return null if number is valid but not recognized else throw a descriptive exception
print('Network Type: ${netFinder() ?? 'Not a recognized number'}');
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Contribution #
For now, I dont accept contributions except its from the javascript netty_finder, so I suggest you contribute there. Any changes from there will be added to the Dart version


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