New Gradient App Bar | Coderz Repository


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new gradient app bar

New Gradient App Bar #
Love the material AppBar? Do you want to add more color to the appbar? Here's a newGradientAppBar.
It works just like the normal AppBar. Also with actions, back buttons, titles. So it's just your normal AppBar, but with a twist!
Screenshots #

Getting Started #

Depend on it by adding this to your pubspec.yaml file: new_gradient_app_bar: ^0.1.4

Import it: import 'package:new_gradient_app_bar/new_gradient_app_bar.dart'

Replace your current AppBar (In the scaffold) to NewGradientAppBar.

appBar: NewGradientAppBar(
title: Text('Flutter'),
gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [, Colors.purple,])
copied to clipboard


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