Numeral | Coderz Product


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Numeral #
A Dart library for Format number into beautiful string, Format the number
into a beautiful, readable and short string.
Installation #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
numeral: latest
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Usage #
Using it is very simple! Just chain call the numeral() method or
beautiful attribute after your number (num/int/double)!
import 'package:numeral/numeral.dart';

void main() {
print(1000.numeral()); // -> 1K
print(1000.beautiful); // -> 1K
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Configuration #

digits (default: 3): The number of digits to appear after the decimal
builder (default: NumeralUnit.value): The function to build the

Global configuration #
import 'package:numeral/numeral.dart';

Numeral.digits = 2;
Numeral.builder = (unit) => '<Your custom suffix>';

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License #
This library is licensed under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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