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odsgenerator 1.11.0
odsgenerator, a .ods generator.
Generate an OpenDocument Format .ods file from a .json or .yaml file.
When used as a script, odsgenerator parses a JSON or YAML description of
tables and generates an ODF document using the odfdo library.
When used as a library, odsgenerator parses a Python description of tables
and returns the ODF content as bytes (ready to be saved as a valid ODF document).
The content description can be minimalist: a list of lists of lists,
or description can be complex, allowing styles at row or cell level.
See also which is doing the reverse
operation, .osd to .json.
odsgenerator is a Python3 package, using the odfdo library. Current version requires Python >= 3.9, see prior versions for older environments.
Installation from Pypi (recommended):
pip install odsgenerator
Installation from sources (requiring setuptools):
pip install .
CLI usage
odsgenerator [-h] [--version] input_file output_file
input_file: input file containing data in JSON or YAML format
output_file: output file, .ods file generated from the input
Use odsgenerator --help for more details about input file parameters
and look at examples in the tests folder.
Usage from python code
from odsgenerator import odsgenerator
content = odsgenerator.ods_bytes([[["a", "b", "c"], [10, 20, 30]]])
with open("sample.ods", "wb") as file:
The resulting .ods file loaded in a spreadsheet:
Another example with more parameters:
import odsgenerator
content = odsgenerator.ods_bytes(
"name": "first tab",
"style": "cell_decimal2",
"table": [
"row": ["a", "b", "c"],
"style": "bold_center_bg_gray_grid_06pt",
[10, 20, 30],
with open("sample2.ods", "wb") as file:
The .ods file loaded in a spreadsheet, with gray background on first line:
A document is a list or dict containing tabs,
a tab is a list or dict containing rows,
a row is a list or dict containing cells.
See in the `./doc folder:
tutorial.json or tutorial.yml and tutorial.ods
This project is licensed under the MIT License (see the
LICENSE file for details).
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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