Ogp Data Extract | Coderz Repository


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ogp data extract

ogp_data_extract #
A simple dart library for extracting the Open Graph protocol on a web pages. This library allows you to retrieve metadata items defined in "The Open Graph protocol".
Getting Started #
In your package's pubspec.yaml file add the dependency.
ogp_data_extract: ^0.x.x
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You can install packages from the command line.
With Dart:
$ dart pub get
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With Flutter:
$ flutter pub get
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Structure #
reference : The Open Graph protocol
- url
- type
- title
- description
- image
- imageSecureUrl
- imageType
- imageWidth
- imageHeight
- imageAlt
- siteName
- determiner
- locale
- localeAlternate
- latitude
- longitude
- streetAddress
- locality
- region
- postalCode
- countryName
- email
- phoneNumber
- faxNumber
- video
- videoSecureUrl
- videoHeight
- videoWidth
- videoType
- audio
- audioSecureUrl
- audioTitle
- audioArtist
- audioAlbum
- audioType
- fbAdmins
- fbAppId
- twitterCard
- twitterSite
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Usage #
Parse OgpData for a given URL #
void main() async {
const String url = 'https://pub.dev/';
final OgpData? ogpData = await OgpDataExtract.execute(url);
print(ogpData?.url); // https://pub.dev/
print(ogpData?.type); // website
print(ogpData?.title); // Dart packages
print(ogpData?.description); // Pub is the package manager for the Dart programming language, containing reusable libraries & packages for Flutter, AngularDart, and general Dart programs.
print(ogpData?.image); // https://pub.dev/static/img/pub-dev-icon-cover-image.png?hash=vg86r2r3mbs62hiv4ldop0ife5um2g5g
print(ogpData?.siteName); // Dart packages
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Specify the User-Agent when parsing #
void main() async {
const String url = 'https://pub.dev/';
const String userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1';
final OgpData? ogpData = await OgpDataExtract.execute(url, userAgent: userAgent);
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Use the parser manually #
void main() async {
const String url = 'https://pub.dev/';
final http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
final Document? document = OgpDataExtract.toDocument(response);
final OgpData ogpData = OgpDataParser(document).parse();
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Credit #
This library is inspired by metadata_fetch.
However, this one is specialized for Open Graph protocol extraction.


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