Olympuswifi 0.9.1 | Coderz Product

olympuswifi 0.9.1

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olympuswifi 0.9.1

Olympus Wifi-Enabled Camera on Linux, macOS and Windows
Some Olympus cameras have wifi capability. Photos can be downloaded from them;
they can also remote control the camera: the live camera picture is
transmitted and they take pictures and modify settings via wifi.
This repository provides Python code to connect to a wifi-enabled Olympus
camera, set the camera's date and time, download images, watch the live camera
view in a window, take a picture, change camera settings, and turn off the
camera. In addition, command-line arguments allow to send user-specific commands
to the camera.
Our documentation is at olympus-wifi.readthedocs.org.

API Overview
API Reference


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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