Onigurumacffi 1.3.0 | Coderz Product

onigurumacffi 1.3.0

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onigurumacffi 1.3.0

python cffi bindings for the oniguruma regex engine
pip install onigurumacffi

wheels should be available on pypi in most cases
to build from source, libonig-dev must be installed prior to installation

the api is currently very limited (basically just enough to support what I
compile(pattern: str) -> _Pattern
make a compiled pattern
compile_regset(*patterns: str) -> _RegSet
make a compiled RegSet
an enum listing the search-time options for oniguruma
the current set of options are:
class OnigSearchOption(enum.IntEnum):
NONE = ...
NOTBOL = ...
NOTEOL = ...

_Pattern.match(s: str, start: int = 0, flags: OnigSearchOption = OnigSearchOption.NONE) -> Optional[_Match]
match a string using the pattern. optionally set start to adjust the offset
which is searched from
_Pattern.search(s: str, start: int = 0, flags: OnigSearchOption = OnigSearchOption.NONE) -> Optional[_Match]
search a string using the pattern. optionally set start to adjust the offset
which is searched from
_Pattern.number_of_captures() -> int
return the number of captures in the regex
_RegSet.search(s: str, start: int = 0, flags: OnigSearchOption = OnigSearchOption.NONE) -> Tuple[int, Optional[_Match]]
search a string using the RegSet. optionally set start to adjust the offset
which is searched from
the leftmost regex index and match is returned or (-1, None) if there is no
_Match.group(n: int = 0) -> str
return the string of the matched group, defaults to 0 (the whole match)
_Match[n: int] -> str
a shorthand alias for _Match.group(...)
_Match.start(n: int = 0) -> int
return the character position of the start of the matched group, defaults to 0
(the whole match)
_Match.end(n: int = 0) -> int
return the character position of the end of the matched group, defaults to 0
(the whole match)
_Match.span(n: int = 0) -> int
return (start, end) character position of the matched group, defaults to 0
(the whole match)
_Match.expand(s: str) -> str
expand numeric groups in s via the groups in the match


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