Opmatch 1.0.1 | Coderz Product

opmatch 1.0.1

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opmatch 1.0.1

The package provides the following matching methods:

optimal match

one-to-one match
one-to-many match
variable ratio match
full match (not implemented yet)

greedy match

not implemented yet

All matching methods support covariate and propensity score matching.
To obtain matches you can simply run:
from opmatch.matcher import Matcher
case_control_dict = Matcher(
df, matching_ratio,
min_mr, max_mr, n_controls,
metric, matching_type,
case_col, var_cols, ps_col,


matching_ratio number of controls per case if matching ratio is constant

min_mr: minimum number of controls per case

max_mr: maximum number of controls per case

n_controls: number of controls to match

metric: PS or one of the metrics accepted by scipy.spatial.distances.cdist

matching_type: constant or variable matching ratio

case_col: boolean column where cases are 1s and controls 0s

var_cols: columns containing relevatn patient variables
if metric!=PS: var_cols used for matching
if metric==PS but ps_col is not specified: var_cols used to compute PS using logistic regression

ps_col: column containing the propensity score

case_col: column name of case column, should contain 1s and 0s


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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