Ornitho 0.3.0 | Coderz Product

ornitho 0.3.0

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ornitho 0.3.0

The following “ornitho controllers / calls” are implemented:

taxonomic groups

List taxo groups
Get a single taxo group


List families
Get a single family


List species
Get a single species

territorial units

List territorial units
Get a single territorial unit

local admin units

List local admin units
Get a single local admin unit


List places
Get a single place


List Observers
Get a single observer
Get an observer rights list
Get current observers info


List entities
Get a single entity


List protocol
Get a single protocol
Get list of sites for protocol id
Get PDF for site id


List observations
Get a single observation
Create an observation
Update an observations
Delete an observations
Search an observation
Search update or deletion since a given date
Delete a record
Delete a list


List fields
Get a single field options


Get a single media

Not yet Implemented:

local admin units

Search local admin units

export organizations

List export organizations
Get a single export organization


Search closest observations
Search last observations
Search rare observations
Search my observations
Search observations from a list of observers
Search observations from a list of coordinates
Search resources linked to an observation
Create a new resources for an observation

import files

List import files
Get a single import file

import files/observations

List links for import files and observations
Get a single link between import file and observation


List validations
Get a single validation

mortality information

List mortality informations

bearded vulture birds

List all bearded vulture birds
Get a single bird

bearded vulture information

List bearded vulture informations

observations by polygon

List observations_by_polygon
Get a single family
Get a single group


Get a single polygon
List polygons from a group
List polygon groups
List cache for a given polygon or group with a period
List form cache for a given polygon or group with a period
List species form cache for a given polygon or group with a period
List observer cache for a given polygon or group
List observer species cache for a given polygon or group

The project is published on PyPI, and can be install using pip or any other
package manager:
$ pip install ornitho
Manual installation can be done with following command:
$ pip install .
Optional caching dependency can be installed with
$ pip install ornitho[caching]

Before the client can be used consumer_key, consumer_secret, user_email, user_pw and api_base must
be set:
import ornitho

ornitho.consumer_key = "CONSUMER_KEY"
ornitho.consumer_secret = "CONSUMER_SECRET"
ornitho.user_email = "USER_MAIL"
ornitho.user_pw = "USER_PASSWORD"
ornitho.api_base = "https://www.ornitho.de/api/"
The client can then be used.

If the additional caching dependency is installed, non chunked responses can be cached.
For activating the cache one has to set the cache_enabled flag.
Following settings are available:
ornitho.cache_enabled = True # Enable/Disable caching
ornitho.cache_name = "ornitho_cache" # Name of the cache
ornitho.cache_backend = "redis" # Set caching backend, possible values: sqlite, memory, mongodb, redis
ornitho.cache_expire_after = 600 # Set expiration time for cached responses
For more information see the requests-cache documentation

Following code shows how to get all observation from ornitho.de between 01.10.2019 and 31.10.2019:
import os
import ornitho

ornitho.consumer_key = os.environ.get("ORNITHO_CONSUMER_KEY")
ornitho.consumer_secret = os.environ.get("ORNITHO_CONSUMER_SECRET")
ornitho.user_email = os.environ.get("ORNITHO_USER_EMAIL")
ornitho.user_pw = os.environ.get("ORNITHO_USER_PW")
ornitho.api_base = "https://www.ornitho.de/api/"

resp = ornitho.Observation.search_all(period_choice="range", date_from="01.10.2019", date_to="31.10.2019")
print(f"Found {len(resp)} observations between 01.10.2019 and 31.10.2019")
More examples can be found the examples

The project has been tested with the following python versions:

Python 3.7
Python 3.8
Python 3.9
Python 3.10

Any kind of help with the project will be well received, and there are
two main ways to give such help:

Reporting errors and asking for extensions through the issues management
or forking the repository and extending the project

Issues management
Issues are managed at the Github project issues
tracker, where
any Github user may report bugs or ask for new features.

The tests included with the project can be run with:
$ pytest
or with a coverage report:
$ pytest --cov=ornitho tests/
To test all supported Python versions, use tox:
$ tox

The project has been released under the MIT


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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