Os Aio Pod Channel 0.1.13 | Coderz Product

os-aio-pod-channel 0.1.13

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osaiopodchannel 0.1.13


A os-aio-pod component for transporting.
This lib is designed as a component of os-aio-pod framework. It is mainly used for transporting data between TCP endpoints. The os-aio-pod built-in TCP server is used as background drive engine. With the middleware/extension mechanism, you can easily build aio programs like Proxy or MITM server.
pip install os-aio-pod-channel


Engine: Used to adapt with os-aio-pod framework, drive the whole event loop. It is also an access point for the components communicate with each other.
Endpoint: Each incoming or outgoing connection is called endpoint. typically, just engine use it's APIs to read, write data or close connection.
Channel: When incoming and outgoing endpoints all connected, a channel between them established. The engine is in charge of it's inner transporting status.
Middleware: Used to communicate with channel and handle data.
Extension: Used for functional expansion. Can be accessed from engine instance.

This lib is used with os-aio-pod. Typically, you should define a configure file and run with os-aio-pod command line tool.
A minimal configure file (do nothing, just accept TCP connection, read and drop):
# config.py
'core' : 'os_aio_pod.contrib.tcp_server.TCPServerAdapter',
'server': 'os_aio_pod_channel.engine.Engine',

os-aio-pod run -c config.py --debug

When data transporting or channel closed the corresponding method of middlewares will be invoked in specific order. You should inherit from os_aio_pod_channel.middleware.Middleware and configure class, id and other parameters of each middleware in MIDDLEWARES list.
You shold inherit from os_aio_pod_channel.extension.Extension and config class, name and other parameters of each extension in EXTENSIONS list. You can get extension by engine.extension_manager.get_extension(extension_name)
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MIT licensed.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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