Osc Trino Acl Dsl 0.3.1 | Coderz Product

osc-trino-acl-dsl 0.3.1

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osctrinoacldsl 0.3.1

A declarative format for configuring Trino access control
To operationalize this code you need Trino adminstrator privileges
Converting Trino ACL DSL to a rules.json
# install package using pipenv, pip or similar tools
$ pipenv install osc-trino-acl-dsl

# the package command `trino-dsl-to-rules` will load the given yaml or json file
# and write the resulting 'rules.json' file to standard output
# dsl-example-1.yaml is in the 'examples' directory of this repository
$ pipenv run trino-dsl-to-rules dsl-example-1.yaml > rules.json

# rules.json is trino file-based access control rules file
$ head rules.json
"catalogs": [
"group": "admins",
"allow": "all"
"group": ".*",
"catalog": "dev",
"allow": "all"

Using pre-commit checks
For more information on pre-commit checks, see here
Here is an example entry for .pre-commit-config.yaml
For more info see here
- repo: https://github.com/os-climate/osc-trino-acl-dsl
rev: v0.3.1
# a pre-commit check to verify that an ACL DSL yaml file is in sync with rules.json file
- id: trino-acl-dsl-check

building and testing
iterative dev/test for pre-commit checks

check out this repository
make some change to precommit checks you want to test
in a test repository, make an edit you expect your precommit check to operate on, then git add this edit (i.e. stage it for commit) but do NOT commit it, so the precommit check sees it and properly provides staged files to the argument list.
run pre-commit try-repo /path/to/osc-trino-acl-dsl --verbose (see here)
examine the output of your precommit check to see if it did what you want

publish new version to pypi

update all occurrences of __version__ (try git grep version)
python3 setup.py clean or git clean -fdx
python3 setup.py sdist
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*
push latest to repo
create new release tag on github

upload test or release candidate:

twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*

python packaging resources



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