Osustreams 1.1.1 | Coderz Product

osustreams 1.1.1

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osustreams 1.1.1


An osu tool for finding stream maps in your map library
Try online : https://osufiles.github.io/stream-map/


python - Python 3.6+
download is_it_stream.py or pip install osustreams

As a single is_it_stream.py file

run from console , python is_it_stream.py with optional arguments
check output file with name Stream maps[{min_bpm}-{max_bpm}] {timestamp}.txt

As a pip package
usage: osustreams [-h] [--collection] [-a A] [-b B]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--collection, -c export to in-game collection
-a A Min bpm
-b B Max bpm
--ignore, -i ignore bad unicode

example :osustreams -a 110 -b 170 -c
this will create in-game collection with beatmaps where a = min BPM , b = max BPM

stream_detector.ini - should be located in Lib/site-packages (if you wish to edit path to osu/songs)
Note: As of current, this tool can only scan maps from around 2016-present due to differences in file formatting
This is a fork


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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